i have a file where everything under “edgepolicies” is a unique name, but
returns the structure underneath the child nodes, without the names of the actual child nodes.
i’d like an array with a name, level, source, and value column.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<OS>Windows 10 OS Version 1909 (Build 18363.997)</OS>
<application>Microsoft Edge</application>
<version>85.0.564.63 (Official build) (64-bit)</version>
You can use the hidden get_name() method.
$xml.root.edgePolicies.ChildNodes | Select-Object @{n="Name";e={$_.get_name()}},level,source,value
$xml.Selectnodes("//edgePolicies").childnodes | Select-Object @{n="Name";e={$_.get_name()}},level,source,value
Name level source value
---- ----- ------ -----
AllowDeletingBrowserHistory mandatory platform false
AudioCaptureAllowedUrls mandatory platform [*.]fake.com
AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist mandatory platform
You can view the hidden methods/properties by using Get-Member -Force
$xml | Get-Member -Force
well thank heavens they hid it.
bonus round: what if some objects have more properties than just “level, source, value”, and i don’t necessarily know what those properties are ahead of time?
nevermind on that one. $xml.root.edgePolicies.ChildNodes seems to show me everything.
also: just for grins, is there a json version of get_name? my initial file was json, and about two frustrating hours after reading my first “but convertfrom-json is so easy!!” article, i figured ‘i’m at least familiar with working with xml, can i convert json to xml and go from there?..yes.’
"edgeMetadata": {
"OS": "Windows 10 OS Version 1909 (Build 18363.997)",
"application": "Microsoft Edge",
"revision": "54dee5e1d729e4c188896f1b1156e98e83557fcc",
"version": "85.0.564.63 (Official build) (64-bit)"
"edgePolicies": {
"AllowDeletingBrowserHistory": {
"level": "mandatory",
"scope": "user",
"source": "platform",
"value": "false"
"AudioCaptureAllowedUrls": {
"level": "mandatory",
"scope": "user",
"source": "platform",
"value": "[*.]fake.com"
"AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist": {
"level": "mandatory",
"scope": "user",
"source": "platform"
here is a json sample. again i can get to $json.edgepolicies, but i don’t see any promising methods or properties in get-member -force here. all of my ‘nodes’ are listed as noteproperties.
AllowDeletingBrowserHistory NoteProperty System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject AllowDeletingBrowserHistory=@{level=mandatory; scope=user; source=platform; value=False}
AudioCaptureAllowedUrls NoteProperty System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject AudioCaptureAllowedUrls=@{level=mandatory; scope=user; source=platform; value=System.Object}
$json = @"
"edgeMetadata": {
"OS": "Windows 10 OS Version 1909 (Build 18363.997)",
"application": "Microsoft Edge",
"revision": "54dee5e1d729e4c188896f1b1156e98e83557fcc",
"version": "85.0.564.63 (Official build) (64-bit)"
"edgePolicies": {
"AllowDeletingBrowserHistory": {
"level": "mandatory",
"scope": "user",
"source": "platform",
"value": "false"
"AudioCaptureAllowedUrls": {
"level": "mandatory",
"scope": "user",
"source": "platform",
"value": "[*.]fake.com"
"AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist": {
"level": "mandatory",
"scope": "user",
"source": "platform"
"@ | ConvertFrom-Json
$json.edgePolicies.PSObject.Properties | foreach {
Name = $_.Name
Level = $_.Value.Level
Scope = $_.Value.Scope
Source = $_.Value.Source
Value = $_.Value.value