It appears to work on my desktop which is running Windows 10 21H2:
My unit tests all pass and I’ve compared the input and output files.
Starting discovery in 1 files.
Discovery found 4 tests in 1.8s.
Running tests.
[+] C:\proj\test\pwrsh\simph_reload-Test.ps1 8.61s (2.62s|4.28s)
Tests completed in 8.79s
Tests Passed: 4, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0, Inconclusive: 0, NotRun: 0
But it does not work on the target machine which is running a very old Windows 10 1607.
I was attempting to pretty up the resulting file so it is indented and such.
class SWebConfigManager {
[string]$webConfPath = ""
# ...
addElements() {
Write-Information("SWebConfigManager.psm1: BEGIN addElements()")
# Whatever...
$wc = New-Object System.xml.XmlDocument
$wc.PreserveWhitespace = $true # Before loading like they said...
$wc = [xml]([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($this.webConfPath))
# Classes for Pretty Printing with nice indentation.
$settings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings
$settings.Indent = $true
$settings.NewLineChars="`r`n" # Match the old file.
$settings.Encoding = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding # Match the original encoding, we checked.
$addNodeOne = $wc.CreateElement("add");
$addNodeTwo = $wc.CreateElement("add");
$keyAttOne = $wc.CreateAttribute("key");
$keyAttTwo = $wc.CreateAttribute("key");
$keyAttOne.Value = "SomeOption1";
$keyAttTwo.Value = "SomeOption2";
$valueAttOne = $wc.CreateAttribute("value");
$valueAttTwo = $wc.CreateAttribute("value");
$valueAttOne.Value = "true";
$valueAttTwo.Value = "true";
$xtw = [System.xml.XmlTextWriter]::Create("$($this.webConfPath)", $settings)
try {
} catch {
Write-Error "$($_)"
finally {
Write-Information("SWebConfigManager.psm1: END addElements()")
# ...
# ...
I’m running as an administrator to the machine and using Invoke-command
to run it after the module has been copied over…but the file is untouched once it runs.
If I use Enter-PSSession
instead and run the same code it works.
Any ideas?