XGroup xPSDesiredStateConfiguration


Can someone tell me what are the steps needed to use xGroup within my HTTPS Pull server and having a node pick up the xGroup settings and set accordingly ? I have the following set and run it with no errors but do not get any changes in the local Administrators group on my Node:

Configuration Sample_xGroup_SetMembers
param ()

 Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'xPSDesiredStateConfiguration' 

 xGroup Group1 
     GroupName = 'GroupName1' 
     Ensure = 'Present' 
     Memberstoinclude = @( 'domain\User1', 'domain\users2' ) 



I looks like you are missing the Node statement.

Configuration Sample_xGroup_SetMembers
param ()

Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'xPSDesiredStateConfiguration'

Node LocalHost {

xGroup Group1
          GroupName = 'GroupName1'
          Ensure = 'Present'
          Memberstoinclude = @( 'domain\User1', 'domain\users2' )