WSUS Reporting


i want to get Reports from WSUS by Powershell.

I want to get following Information:
Update #1 | Count Installation | CreationDate | Cricitcal or high
Update #2 | Count Installation | CreationDate | Cricitcal or high
Update #3 | Count Installation | CreationDate | Cricitcal or high

But only for these updates, which are not complete.
And, when possible for a specific period ( 3 month)

I have following script:

$wsusserver = "wsus" [void][reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration") $wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer($wsusserver,$False) $wsus.GetUpdates() | ? {$_.CreationDate -gt (Get-Date).addMonths(-3)} | Select Title, UpdateClassificationTitle, CreationDate, ArrivalDate | export-csv "G:\Sonstiges\WSUS Reporting\test.csv" -Delimiter ";"
This script is giving me the Updates of the last 3 months wird CreationDate and export them to a .csv.

But i don’t get the other parameter in the script.

Had anyone an idea?

Thank you

Best regards

Your Where-Object command is only filtering for 3 months back; you would need to add an additional condition if you only wanted incomplete updates.

You might look at Instead of the GetUpdates() with no arguments. It’s a more granular way of querying updates and will probably run faster.

I’m having some trouble with the docs, but it looks like an Update object should have an UpdateState property, which you could filter on?

… -and $_.UpdateState -eq XXX …

You just need to figure out if that’s the actual property name and what the valid values are.