WMF 5.0 Production Preview not loading DSC Class based Resource

Hi all ,

I’m unable to load Class Based DSC Resource on WIndows 10 and on WMF 5.0 Production Preview on windows server 2012 r2 , windows 8.1 .

When I run get-dscresource I can see all my resources and I can create MOF file , But when I run start-dscconfiguration I receive following error :

The specified module ‘’ with version ‘1.0’ was not
loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.

I would appreciate any help


Hi Mariusz,

Looks like some kind of update has broken the Microsoft resources as i also get that error.

The PowerShell DSC resource MSFT_ArchiveResource from module (PSDesiredStateConfiguration,1.0) does not exist at the PowerShell module path nor is it registered as a WMI DSC resource.

If i run a get-dscresource the in the box resources have been updates and are preceded by 1.1 e.g.

PS C:\> Get-DscResource -Module PSDesiredStateConfiguration

Name                   ModuleName                  Version
----                   ----------                  -------
Archive                PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1    
Environment            PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1    
Group                  PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1    
Log                    PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1    
Package                PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1    
Registry               PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1    
Script                 PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1    
Service                PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1    
User                   PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1    
WaitForAll             PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1    
WaitForAny             PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1    
WaitForSome            PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1    
WindowsFeature         PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1    
WindowsOptionalFeature PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1    
WindowsProcess         PSDesiredStateConfiguration 1.1  

Both my authoring server and client are on the same versions of the resources but it still errors out.

I built a new server from scratch and that showed without the 1.1 but after it’s updates yesterday it is now failing.

Ignore that, looks like resources are fighting each other, sigh.