Using an "If" statement with the ValidateScript parameter validation attribute

I would like to use an “If” statement within a ValidateScript parameter validation attribute for an advanced function I am writing instead of having to use the $PSBoundParameters variable to check if more than one parameter is being used.

I would like to be able to use Method 1 rather than Method 2 if possible, but not sure if there is a way of doing this, because I keep getting the following error when using Method 1 below:

[blockquote]Check-Parameters : Cannot validate argument on parameter
‘Param2’. The “If ($Param1){ Write-Warning -Message “The Param1
parameter and the Param2 parameter cannot be used together!” }”
validation script for the argument with value “10” did not return a result of
True. Determine why the validation script failed, and then try the command

Method 1

Function Check-Parameters

        $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
        [ValidateScript[({If ($Param1){Write-Warning -Message "The Param1 parameter and the Param2 parameter cannot be used together!" }}]]

Check-Parameters -Param1 -Param2 "10"

Method 2

Function Check-Parameters

        $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

$ParamString = @(
            $Params = @(    
                            Foreach ($Param in 'Param1', 'Param2')
                                If ($PSBoundParameters[$Param])
                Write-Output $Params)

     If (($ParamString -eq "Param1") -and ($ParamString -eq "Param2"))
         Write-Warning -Message "The Param1 parameter and the Param2 parameter cannot be used     

     ElseIf (($ParamString -eq "Param1") -and ($ParamString -ne "Param2"))
        "Param1 is being used!"

     ElseIf (($ParamString -ne "Param1") -and ($ParamString -eq "Param2"))
        "Param2 is being used!"

     ElseIf (!($ParamString))
        "No parameter is being used!"


Should I use Parameter Sets?


Is there a reason I am not receiving a response?

The ValidateScript has to return $true for the validation to pass.

Here is a working example:

Function Check-Parameters
    $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
    [ValidateScript({If ($Param1){Throw "The Param1 parameter and the Param2 parameter cannot be used together!" }else {$true}})]
  'Running function with parameters: {0}' -f ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -join ', ')
Check-Parameters -Param1 -Param2 "10"
Check-Parameters -Param2 "10"
Check-Parameters -Param1