by diprima at 2012-09-12 11:26:50
Hello, I need help with the following. I need to change all of our user logon names in AD to firstName.LastNameby DonJ at 2012-09-12 14:04:50
The only catch is there is a space in all the users first names. I have the below script which works great except I do not how to remove the space in the users first name… Please help if I need two scripts that would work as well … Thanks
example first name = OPS John
last name= Doe
How would you modify the script below to remove the space so the user logon name would be
opsjohn.doe instead of ops john.doe
Get-QADUser -SearchRoot "" | ForEach-Object {
$NewUsername = "$($.FirstName)$(".")$($.LastName)"
$_ | Set-QADUser -SamAccountName $NewUsername -UserPrincipalName "$"
$($_.FirstName -replace ’ ‘,’')