Updates controlled by script

I’m running script to update servers and I’m getting errors about non-existing methods EditItem at Start-PoshPAIG.ps1 :449 char48
CommitEdit at Start-PoshPAIG.ps1 :451 char50
EditItelm at Start-PoshPAIG.ps1 :9 char52
and couple of more lines containing this methods

#region Synchronized Collections
$uiHash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
$runspaceHash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
$jobs = [system.collections.arraylist]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList))
$jobCleanup = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
$Global:updateAudit = [system.collections.arraylist]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList))
$Global:installAudit = [system.collections.arraylist]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList))
$Global:servicesAudit = [system.collections.arraylist]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList))
$Global:installedUpdates = [system.collections.arraylist]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList))

#region Startup Checks and configurations
#Determine if running from ISE
Write-Verbose "Checking to see if running from console"
If ($Host.name -eq "Windows PowerShell ISE Host") {
    Write-Warning "Unable to run this from the PowerShell ISE due to issues with PSexec!`nPlease run from console."

#Validate user is an Administrator
Write-Verbose "Checking Administrator credentials"
If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole(`
    [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) {
    Write-Warning "You are not running this as an Administrator!`nRe-running script and will prompt for administrator credentials."
    Start-Process -Verb "Runas" -File PowerShell.exe -Argument "-STA -noprofile -file $($myinvocation.mycommand.definition)"

#Ensure that we are running the GUI from the correct location
Set-Location $(Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
$Global:Path = $(Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
Write-Debug "Current location: $Path"

#Check for PSExec
Write-Verbose "Checking for psexec.exe"
If (-Not (Test-Path psexec.exe)) {
    Write-Warning ("Psexec.exe missing from {0}!`n Please place file in the path so UI can work properly" -f (Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path))

#Determine if this instance of PowerShell can run WPF 
Write-Verbose "Checking the apartment state"
If ($host.Runspace.ApartmentState -ne "STA") {
    Write-Warning "This script must be run in PowerShell started using -STA switch!`nScript will attempt to open PowerShell in STA and run re-run script."
    Start-Process -File PowerShell.exe -Argument "-STA -noprofile -WindowStyle hidden -file $($myinvocation.mycommand.definition)"

#Load Required Assemblies
Add-Type –assemblyName PresentationFramework
Add-Type –assemblyName PresentationCore
Add-Type –assemblyName WindowsBase
Add-Type –assemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
Add-Type –assemblyName System.Windows.Forms

#DotSource Help script
. ".\HelpFiles\HelpOverview.ps1"

#DotSource About script
. ".\HelpFiles\About.ps1"

Function Set-PoshPAIGOption {
    If (Test-Path (Join-Path $Path 'options.xml')) {
        $Optionshash = Import-Clixml -Path (Join-Path $Path 'options.xml')
        $Global:maxConcurrentJobs = $Optionshash['MaxJobs']
        $Global:MaxRebootJobs = $Optionshash['MaxRebootJobs']
        If ($Optionshash['ReportPath']) {
            $Global:reportpath = $Optionshash['ReportPath']
        } Else {
            $Optionshash['ReportPath'] = $Global:reportpath = (Join-Path $Home 'Desktop')
    } Else {
        #Default Options
        $optionshash = @{
            MaxJobs = 5
            MaxRebootJobs = 5
            ReportPath = (Join-Path $env:USERPROFILE 'Desktop')
        $Global:maxConcurrentJobs = 5
        $Global:MaxRebootJobs = 5
        $Global:reportpath = (Join-Path $env:USERPROFILE 'Desktop')
    $optionshash | Export-Clixml -Path (Join-Path $pwd 'options.xml') -Force

#Function for Debug output
Function Global:Show-DebugState {
    Write-Debug ("Number of Items: {0}" -f $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource.count)
    Write-Debug ("First Item: {0}" -f $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource[0].Computer)
    Write-Debug ("Last Item: {0}" -f $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource[$($uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource.count) -1].Computer)
    Write-Debug ("Max Progress Bar: {0}" -f $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum)

#Reboot Warning Message
Function Show-RebootWarning {
    $title = "Reboot Server Warning"
    $message = "You are about to reboot servers which can affect the environment! `nAre you sure you want to do this?"
    $button = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::YesNo
    $icon = [Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Warning

#Format and display errors
Function Get-Error {
    Process {
        ForEach ($err in $error) {
            Switch ($err) {
                {$err -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]} {
                        $hash = @{
                        Category = $err.categoryinfo.Category
                        Activity = $err.categoryinfo.Activity
                        Reason = $err.categoryinfo.Reason
                        Type = $err.GetType().ToString()
                        Exception = ($err.exception -split ": ")[1]
                        QualifiedError = $err.FullyQualifiedErrorId
                        CharacterNumber = $err.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine
                        LineNumber = $err.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                        Line = $err.InvocationInfo.Line
                        TargetObject = $err.TargetObject
                Default {
                    $hash = @{
                        Category = $err.errorrecord.categoryinfo.category
                        Activity = $err.errorrecord.categoryinfo.Activity
                        Reason = $err.errorrecord.categoryinfo.Reason
                        Type = $err.GetType().ToString()
                        Exception = ($err.errorrecord.exception -split ": ")[1]
                        QualifiedError = $err.errorrecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId
                        CharacterNumber = $err.errorrecord.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine
                        LineNumber = $err.errorrecord.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
                        Line = $err.errorrecord.InvocationInfo.Line                    
                        TargetObject = $err.errorrecord.TargetObject
        $object = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash

#Add new server to GUI
Function Add-Server {
    $computer = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("Enter a server name or names. Separate servers with a comma (,) or semi-colon (;).", "Add Server/s")
    If (-Not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($computer)) {
        [string[]]$computername = $computer -split ",|;"
        ForEach ($computer in $computername) { 
            If (-NOT [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($computer)) {
                    New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Computer = ($computer).Trim()
                        Audited = 0 -as [int]
                        Installed = 0 -as [int]
                        InstallErrors = 0 -as [int]
                        Services = 0 -as [int]
                        Notes = $Null

#Remove server from GUI
Function Remove-Server {
    $Servers = @($uiHash.Listview.SelectedItems)
    ForEach ($server in $servers) {
    $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum = $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource.count

#Report Generation function
Function Start-Report {
    Write-Debug ("Data: {0}" -f $uiHash.ReportComboBox.SelectedItem.Text)
    Switch ($uiHash.ReportComboBox.SelectedItem.Text) {
        "Audit CSV Report" {
            If ($updateAudit.count -gt 0) { 
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
                $savedreport = Join-Path $reportpath "AuditReport.csv"
                $updateAudit | Export-Csv $savedreport -NoTypeInformation
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Report saved to $savedreport"
                } Else {
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Red"
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "No report to create!"         
        "Audit UI Report" {
            If ($updateAudit.count -gt 0) {
                $updateAudit | Out-GridView -Title 'Audit Report'
            } Else {
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Red"
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "No report to create!"         
        "Install CSV Report" {
            If ($installAudit.count -gt 0) { 
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
                $savedreport = Join-Path $reportpath "InstallReport.csv"
                $installAudit | Export-Csv $savedreport -NoTypeInformation
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Report saved to $savedreport"
                } Else {
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Red"
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "No report to create!"         
        "Install UI Report" {
            If ($installAudit.count -gt 0) {
                $installAudit | Out-GridView -Title 'Install Report'
            } Else {
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Red"
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "No report to create!"         
        "Installed Updates CSV Report" {
            If ($installedUpdates.count -gt 0) { 
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
                $savedreport = Join-Path $reportpath "InstalledUpdatesReport.csv"
                $installedUpdates | Export-Csv $savedreport -NoTypeInformation
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Report saved to $savedreport"
                } Else {
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Red"
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "No report to create!"         
        "Installed Updates UI Report" {
            If ($installedUpdates.count -gt 0) {
                $installedUpdates | Out-GridView -Title 'Installed Updates Report'
            } Else {
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Red"
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "No report to create!"         
        "Host File List" {
            If ($uiHash.Listview.Items.count -gt 0) { 
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
                $savedreport = Join-Path $reportpath "hosts.txt"
                $uiHash.Listview.DataContext | Select -Expand Computer | Out-File $savedreport
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Report saved to $savedreport"
                } Else {
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Red"
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "No report to create!"         
        "Computer List Report" {
            If ($uiHash.Listview.Items.count -gt 0) {
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
                $savedreport = Join-Path (Join-Path $home Desktop) "serverlist.csv"
                $uiHash.Listview.DataContext | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $savedreport
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Report saved to $savedreport"        
            } Else {
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Red"
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "No report to create!"         
        "Error UI Report" {Get-Error | Out-GridView -Title 'Error Report'}
        "Services UI Report" {
            If (@($servicesAudit).count -gt 0) {
                $servicesAudit | Select @{L='Computername';E={$_.__Server}},Name,DisplayName,State,StartMode,ExitCode,Status | Out-GridView -Title 'Services Report'
            } Else {
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Red"
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "No report to create!"             
        "Services CSV Report" {
            If (@($servicesAudit).count -gt 0) { 
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
                $savedreport = Join-Path $reportpath "ServicesReport.csv"
                $servicesAudit | Select @{L='Computername';E={$_.__Server}},Name,DisplayName,State,StartMode,ExitCode,Status | Export-Csv $savedreport -NoTypeInformation
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Report saved to $savedreport"
                } Else {
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Red"
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "No report to create!"         

#start-RunJob function
Function Start-RunJob {    
    Write-Debug ("ComboBox {0}" -f $uiHash.RunOptionComboBox.Text)
    $selectedItems = $uiHash.Listview.SelectedItems
    If ($selectedItems.Count -gt 0) {
        $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum = $selectedItems.count
        $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource | ForEach {$_.Notes = $Null}        
        If ($uiHash.RunOptionComboBox.Text -eq 'Install Patches') {             
            #region Install Patches
            $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
            $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
            $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
            $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"            
            $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
            $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Installing Patches for all servers...Please Wait"              
            $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)
            [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0
            $scriptBlock = {
                Param (
                    $computer.Notes = "Installing Patches"
                Set-Location $path   
                . .\Scripts\Install-Patches.ps1                
                $clientInstall = @(Install-Patches -Computername $computer.computer)
                $installAudit.AddRange($clientInstall) | Out-Null
                $clientInstalledCount =  @($clientInstall | Where {$_.Notes -notmatch "Failed to Install Patch|ERROR"}).Count
                $clientInstalledErrorCount = @($clientInstall | Where {$_.Notes -match "Failed to Install Patch|ERROR"}).Count
                    If ($clientInstall[0].Title -eq "NA") {                        
                        $Computer.Installed = 0                        
                    } Else {
                        $Computer.Installed = $clientInstalledCount
                        $Computer.InstallErrors = $clientInstalledErrorCount
                    $Computer.Notes = "Completed"
                    #Check to see if find job
                    If ($uiHash.ProgressBar.value -eq $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum) {    
                        $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date)                                             
                        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)                                     
                        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
                        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
                        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
                        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"                    

            Write-Verbose ("Creating runspace pool and session states")
            $sessionstate = [system.management.automation.runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
            $runspaceHash.runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $maxConcurrentJobs, $sessionstate, $Host)

            ForEach ($Computer in $selectedItems) {
                $computer.Notes = "Pending Patch Install"
                #Create the powershell instance and supply the scriptblock with the other parameters 
                $powershell = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($Path).AddArgument($computer).AddArgument($installAudit).AddArgument($uiHash)
                #Add the runspace into the powershell instance
                $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspaceHash.runspacepool
                #Create a temporary collection for each runspace
                $temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell,Runspace,Computer
                $Temp.Computer = $Computer.computer
                $temp.PowerShell = $powershell
                #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace
                $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
                Write-Verbose ("Adding {0} collection" -f $temp.Computer)
                $jobs.Add($temp) | Out-Null                
        } ElseIf ($uiHash.RunOptionComboBox.Text -eq 'Audit Patches') {
            #region Audit Patches
            $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
            $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
            $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
            $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"            
            $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
            $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Auditing Patches for all servers...Please Wait"            
            $Global:updatelayout = [Windows.Input.InputEventHandler]{ $uiHash.ProgressBar.UpdateLayout() }
            $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)
            [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0
            $scriptBlock = {
                Param (
                    $computer.Notes = "Auditing Patches"
                Set-Location $path
                . .\Scripts\Get-PendingUpdates.ps1                
                $clientUpdate = @(Get-PendingUpdates -Computer $computer.computer)

                $updateAudit.AddRange($clientUpdate) | Out-Null

                    If ($clientUpdate[0].Title -eq "NA") {                        
                        $Computer.Audited = 0
                        $Computer.Notes = "Completed"
                    } ElseIf ($clientUpdate[0].Title -eq "ERROR") {
                        $Computer.Audited = 0
                        $Computer.Notes = "Error with Audit"
                    } ElseIf ($clientUpdate[0].Title -eq "OFFLINE") {
                        $Computer.Audited = 0
                        $Computer.Notes = "Offline"
                    } Else {
                        $Computer.Audited = $clientUpdate.Count
                        $Computer.Notes = "Completed"
                    #Check to see if find job
                    If ($uiHash.ProgressBar.value -eq $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum) {    
                        $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date)                                             
                        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)                                     
                        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
                        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
                        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
                        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"                    

            Write-Verbose ("Creating runspace pool and session states")
            $sessionstate = [system.management.automation.runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
            $runspaceHash.runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $maxConcurrentJobs, $sessionstate, $Host)

            ForEach ($Computer in $selectedItems) {
                $computer.Notes = "Pending Patch Audit"
                #Create the powershell instance and supply the scriptblock with the other parameters 
                $powershell = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($Path).AddArgument($computer).AddArgument($updateAudit).AddArgument($uiHash)
                #Add the runspace into the powershell instance
                $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspaceHash.runspacepool
                #Create a temporary collection for each runspace
                $temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell,Runspace,Computer
                $Temp.Computer = $Computer.computer
                $temp.PowerShell = $powershell
                #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace
                $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
                Write-Verbose ("Adding {0} collection" -f $temp.Computer)
                $jobs.Add($temp) | Out-Null                
        } ElseIf ($uiHash.RunOptionComboBox.Text -eq 'Reboot Systems') {
            #region Reboot
            If ((Show-RebootWarning) -eq "Yes") {
                $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
                $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
                $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
                $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"            
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
                $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Rebooting Servers..."            
                $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)
                [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0
                $scriptBlock = {
                    Param (
                        $computer.Notes = "Rebooting"
                    Set-Location $Path
                    If (Test-Connection -Computer $Computer.computer -count 1 -Quiet) {
                        Try {
                            Restart-Computer -ComputerName $Computer.computer -Force -ea stop
                            Do {
                                Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
                                Write-Verbose ("Waiting for {0} to shutdown..." -f $Computer.computer)
                            While ((Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer.computer -Count 1 -Quiet))    
                            Do {
                                Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
                                Write-Verbose ("{0} down...{1}" -f $Computer.computer, $i)
                                If($i -eq 60) {
                                    Write-Warning ("{0} did not come back online from reboot!" -f $Computer.computer)
                                    $connection = $False
                            While (-NOT(Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer.computer -Count 1 -Quiet))
                            Write-Verbose ("{0} is back up" -f $Computer.computer)
                            $connection = $True
                        } Catch {
                            Write-Warning "$($Error[0])"
                            $connection = $False

                        If ($Connection) {
                            $Computer.Notes = "Online"
                        } ElseIf (-Not $Connection) {
                            $Computer.Notes = "Offline"
                        } Else {
                            $Computer.Notes = "Unknown"
                        #Check to see if find job
                        If ($uiHash.ProgressBar.value -eq $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum) { 
                            $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date)                                             
                            $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)
                            $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
                            $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
                            $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
                            $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"                    

            Write-Verbose ("Creating runspace pool and session states")
            $sessionstate = [system.management.automation.runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
            $runspaceHash.runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $maxRebootJobs, $sessionstate, $Host)

                ForEach ($Computer in $selectedItems) {
                    $computer.Notes = "Pending Reboot"
                    #Create the powershell instance and supply the scriptblock with the other parameters 
                    $powershell = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($computer).AddArgument($uiHash).AddArgument($Path)
                    #Add the runspace into the powershell instance
                    $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspaceHash.runspacepool
                    #Create a temporary collection for each runspace
                    $temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell,Runspace,Computer
                    $Temp.Computer = $Computer.computer
                    $temp.PowerShell = $powershell
                    #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace
                    $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
                    Write-Verbose ("Adding {0} collection" -f $temp.Computer)
                    $jobs.Add($temp) | Out-Null
        } ElseIf ($uiHash.RunOptionComboBox.Text -eq 'Ping Sweep') {
            #region PingSweeps
            $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
            $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
            $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
            $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"            
            $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
            $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Checking server connection..."            
            $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)
            [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0
            $scriptBlock = {
                Param (
                    $computer.Notes = "Checking connection"
                Set-Location $Path
                $Connection = (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer.computer -Count 1 -Quiet)
                    If ($Connection) {
                        $Computer.Notes = "Online"
                    } ElseIf (-Not $Connection) {
                        $Computer.Notes = "Offline"
                    } Else {
                        $Computer.Notes = "Unknown"
                    #Check to see if find job
                    If ($uiHash.ProgressBar.value -eq $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum) { 
                        $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date)                                             
                        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)
                        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
                        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
                        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
                        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"                    

            Write-Verbose ("Creating runspace pool and session states")
            $sessionstate = [system.management.automation.runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
            $runspaceHash.runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $maxConcurrentJobs, $sessionstate, $Host)

            ForEach ($Computer in $selectedItems) {
                $computer.Notes = "Pending Network Test"
                #Create the powershell instance and supply the scriptblock with the other parameters 
                $powershell = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($computer).AddArgument($uiHash).AddArgument($Path)
                #Add the runspace into the powershell instance
                $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspaceHash.runspacepool
                #Create a temporary collection for each runspace
                $temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell,Runspace,Computer
                $Temp.Computer = $Computer.computer
                $temp.PowerShell = $powershell
                #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace
                $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
                Write-Verbose ("Adding {0} collection" -f $temp.Computer)
                $jobs.Add($temp) | Out-Null                
        } ElseIf ($uiHash.RunOptionComboBox.Text -eq 'Check Pending Reboot') {
            #region Check Pending Reboot
            $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
            $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
            $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
            $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"            
            $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
            $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Checking for servers with a pending reboot..."            
            $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)
            [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0
            $scriptBlock = {
                Param (
                    $computer.Notes = "Checking for pending reboot"
                Set-Location $Path
                . .\Scripts\Get-ComputerRebootState.ps1
                $clientRebootRequired = Get-ComputerRebootState -Computer $Computer.computer
                    If ($clientRebootRequired.RebootRequired -eq $True) {
                        $Computer.Notes = "Reboot Required"
                    } ElseIf ($clientRebootRequired.RebootRequired -eq $False) {
                        $Computer.Notes = "No Reboot Required"
                    } ElseIf ($clientRebootRequired.RebootRequired -eq "NA") {
                        $Computer.Notes = "Unable to determine reboot state"
                    } ElseIf ($clientRebootRequired.RebootRequired -eq "Offline") {
                        $Computer.Notes = "Offline"
                    #Check to see if find job
                    If ($uiHash.ProgressBar.value -eq $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum) { 
                        $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date)                                             
                        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)
                        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
                        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
                        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
                        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"                    

            Write-Verbose ("Creating runspace pool and session states")
            $sessionstate = [system.management.automation.runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
            $runspaceHash.runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $maxConcurrentJobs, $sessionstate, $Host)

            ForEach ($Computer in $selectedItems) {
                $computer.Notes = "Pending Reboot Check"
                #Create the powershell instance and supply the scriptblock with the other parameters 
                $powershell = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($computer).AddArgument($uiHash).AddArgument($Path)
                #Add the runspace into the powershell instance
                $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspaceHash.runspacepool
                #Create a temporary collection for each runspace
                $temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell,Runspace,Computer
                $Temp.Computer = $Computer.computer
                $temp.PowerShell = $powershell
                #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace
                $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
                Write-Verbose ("Adding {0} collection" -f $temp.Computer)
                $jobs.Add($temp) | Out-Null                
        } ElseIf ($uiHash.RunOptionComboBox.Text -eq 'Services Check') {
            #region Check Services
            $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
            $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
            $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
            $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"            
            $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
            $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Checking for Non-Running Automatic Services..."            
            $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)
            [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0
            $scriptBlock = {
                Param (
                    $computer.Notes = "Checking for non-running services set to Auto"
                Clear-Variable queryError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                Set-Location $Path
                If (Test-Connection -ComputerName $computer.computer -Count 1 -Quiet) {
                    Try {
                        $wmi = @{
                            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                            Computername = $computer.computer
                            Query = "Select __Server,Name,DisplayName,State,StartMode,ExitCode,Status FROM Win32_Service WHERE StartMode='Auto' AND State!='Running'"
                        $services = @(Get-WmiObject @wmi)
                    } Catch {
                        $queryError = $_.Exception.Message
                } Else {
                    $queryError = "Offline"
                If ($services.count -gt 0) {
                    $servicesAudit.AddRange($services) | Out-Null
                    $Computer.Services = $services.count
                    If ($queryError) {
                        $Computer.notes = $queryError
                    } Else {
                        $Computer.notes = 'Completed'
                    #Check to see if find job
                    If ($uiHash.ProgressBar.value -eq $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum) { 
                        $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date)                                             
                        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)
                        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
                        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
                        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
                        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"                    

            Write-Verbose ("Creating runspace pool and session states")
            $sessionstate = [system.management.automation.runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
            $runspaceHash.runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $maxConcurrentJobs, $sessionstate, $Host)

            ForEach ($Computer in $selectedItems) {
                $computer.Notes = "Pending Service Check"
                #Create the powershell instance and supply the scriptblock with the other parameters 
                $powershell = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($computer).AddArgument($uiHash).AddArgument($Path).AddArgument($servicesAudit)
                #Add the runspace into the powershell instance
                $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspaceHash.runspacepool
                #Create a temporary collection for each runspace
                $temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell,Runspace,Computer
                $Temp.Computer = $Computer.computer
                $temp.PowerShell = $powershell
                #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace
                $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
                Write-Verbose ("Adding {0} collection" -f $temp.Computer)
                $jobs.Add($temp) | Out-Null                
    }  Else {
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Red"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "No server/s selected!"

Function Open-FileDialog {
    $dlg = new-object microsoft.win32.OpenFileDialog
    $dlg.DefaultExt = "*.txt"
    $dlg.Filter = "Text Files |*.txt;*.log"    
    $dlg.InitialDirectory = $path
    Write-Output $dlg.FileName

Function Open-DomainDialog {
    $domain = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("Enter the LDAP path for the Domain or press OK to use the default domain.", 
    "Domain Query", "$(([adsisearcher]'').SearchRoot.distinguishedName)")  
    If (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($domain)) {
        Write-Output $domain

#Build the GUI
[xml]$xaml = @"

                     Audit Patches 
                     Install Patches 
                     Check Pending Reboot 
                     Ping Sweep 
                     Services Check 
                     Reboot Systems 
                     Audit CSV Report 
                     Audit UI Report 
                     Install CSV Report 
                     Install UI Report 
                     Installed Updates CSV Report 
                     Installed Updates UI Report 
                     Services CSV Report  
                     Services UI Report                                                            
                     Host File List 
                     Computer List Report 
                     Error UI Report 
         Waiting for Action...                            


#region Load XAML into PowerShell
$reader=(New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml)
$uiHash.Window=[Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load( $reader )
#region Background runspace to clean up jobs
$jobCleanup.Flag = $True
$newRunspace =[runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
$newRunspace.ApartmentState = "STA"
$newRunspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"          
$jobCleanup.PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({
    #Routine to handle completed runspaces
    Do {    
        Foreach($runspace in $jobs) {
            If ($runspace.Runspace.isCompleted) {
                $runspace.powershell.EndInvoke($runspace.Runspace) | Out-Null
                $runspace.Runspace = $null
                $runspace.powershell = $null               
        #Clean out unused runspace jobs
        $temphash = $jobs.clone()
        $temphash | Where {
            $_.runspace -eq $Null
        } | ForEach {
            Write-Verbose ("Removing {0}" -f $_.computer)
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1     
    } while ($jobCleanup.Flag)
$jobCleanup.PowerShell.Runspace = $newRunspace
$jobCleanup.Thread = $jobCleanup.PowerShell.BeginInvoke()  

#region Connect to all controls
$uiHash.GenerateReportMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("GenerateReportMenu")
$uiHash.ClearAuditReportMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("ClearAuditReportMenu")
$uiHash.ClearInstallReportMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("ClearInstallReportMenu")
$uiHash.SelectAllMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("SelectAllMenu")
$uiHash.OptionMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("OptionMenu")
$uiHash.WUStopServiceMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("WUStopServiceMenu")
$uiHash.WUStartServiceMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("WUStartServiceMenu")
$uiHash.WURestartServiceMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("WURestartServiceMenu")
$uiHash.WindowsUpdateServiceMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("WindowsUpdateServiceMenu")
$uiHash.GenerateReportButton = $uiHash.Window.FindName("GenerateReportButton")
$uiHash.ReportComboBox = $uiHash.Window.FindName("ReportComboBox")
$uiHash.StartImage = $uiHash.Window.FindName("StartImage")
$uiHash.CancelImage = $uiHash.Window.FindName("CancelImage")
$uiHash.RunOptionComboBox = $uiHash.Window.FindName("RunOptionComboBox")
$uiHash.ClearErrorMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("ClearErrorMenu")
$uiHash.ViewErrorMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("ViewErrorMenu")
$uiHash.EntireLogMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("EntireLogMenu")
$uiHash.Last25LogMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("Last25LogMenu")
$uiHash.Last50LogMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("Last50LogMenu")
$uiHash.Last100LogMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("Last100LogMenu")
$uiHash.ResetDataMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("ResetDataMenu")
$uiHash.ResetAuthorizationMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("ResetAuthorizationMenu")
$uiHash.ClearServerListNotesMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("ClearServerListNotesMenu")
$uiHash.ServerListReportMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("ServerListReportMenu")
$uiHash.OfflineHostsMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("OfflineHostsMenu")
$uiHash.HostListMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("HostListMenu")
$uiHash.InstalledUpdatesMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("InstalledUpdatesMenu")
$uiHash.DetectNowMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("DetectNowMenu")
$uiHash.WindowsUpdateLogMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("WindowsUpdateLogMenu")
$uiHash.WUAUCLTMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("WUAUCLTMenu")
$uiHash.GUIInstalledUpdatesMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("GUIInstalledUpdatesMenu")
$uiHash.AddServerMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("AddServerMenu")
$uiHash.RemoveServerMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("RemoveServerMenu")
$uiHash.ListviewContextMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("ListViewContextMenu")
$uiHash.ExitMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("ExitMenu")
$uiHash.ClearInstalledUpdateMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("ClearInstalledUpdateMenu")
$uiHash.RunMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName('RunMenu')
$uiHash.ClearAllMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("ClearAllMenu")
$uiHash.ClearServerListMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("ClearServerListMenu")
$uiHash.AboutMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("AboutMenu")
$uiHash.HelpFileMenu = $uiHash.Window.FindName("HelpFileMenu")
$uiHash.Listview = $uiHash.Window.FindName("Listview")
$uiHash.LoadFileButton = $uiHash.Window.FindName("LoadFileButton")
$uiHash.BrowseFileButton = $uiHash.Window.FindName("BrowseFileButton")
$uiHash.LoadADButton = $uiHash.Window.FindName("LoadADButton")
$uiHash.StatusTextBox = $uiHash.Window.FindName("StatusTextBox")
$uiHash.ProgressBar = $uiHash.Window.FindName("ProgressBar")
$uiHash.RunButton = $uiHash.Window.FindName("RunButton")
$uiHash.CancelButton = $uiHash.Window.FindName("CancelButton")
$uiHash.GridView = $uiHash.Window.FindName("GridView")

#region Event Handlers

#Window Load Events
    #Configure Options
    Write-Verbose 'Updating configuration based on options'
    Write-Debug ("maxConcurrentJobs: {0}" -f $maxConcurrentJobs)
    Write-Debug ("MaxRebootJobs: {0}" -f $MaxRebootJobs)
    Write-Debug ("reportpath: {0}" -f $reportpath)
    #Define hashtable of settings
    $Script:SortHash = @{}
    #Sort event handler
    [System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler]$Global:ColumnSortHandler = {
        If ($_.OriginalSource -is [System.Windows.Controls.GridViewColumnHeader]) {
            Write-Verbose ("{0}" -f $_.Originalsource.getType().FullName)
            If ($_.OriginalSource -AND $_.OriginalSource.Role -ne 'Padding') {
                $Column = $_.Originalsource.Column.DisplayMemberBinding.Path.Path
                Write-Debug ("Sort: {0}" -f $Column)
                If ($SortHash[$Column] -eq 'Ascending') {
                    Write-Debug "Descending"
                    $SortHash[$Column]  = 'Descending'
                } Else {
                    Write-Debug "Ascending"
                    $SortHash[$Column]  = 'Ascending'
                Write-Verbose ("Direction: {0}" -f $SortHash[$Column])
                $lastColumnsort = $Column
                Write-Verbose "Clearing sort descriptions"
                Write-Verbose ("Sorting {0} by {1}" -f $Column, $SortHash[$Column])
                $uiHash.Listview.Items.SortDescriptions.Add((New-Object System.ComponentModel.SortDescription $Column, $SortHash[$Column]))
                Write-Verbose "Refreshing View"
    $uiHash.Listview.AddHandler([System.Windows.Controls.GridViewColumnHeader]::ClickEvent, $ColumnSortHandler)
    #Create and bind the observable collection to the GridView
    $Script:clientObservable = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection[object]    
    $uiHash.ListView.ItemsSource = $clientObservable
    $Global:Clients = $clientObservable | Select -Expand Computer

#Window Close Events
    #Halt job processing
    $jobCleanup.Flag = $False

    #Stop all runspaces

#Cancel Button Event
    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Action cancelled" 
    [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0
    $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
    $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
    $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
    $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"    

#EntireUpdateLog Event
    If ($uiHash.Listview.Items.count -eq 1) {
        $selectedItem = $uiHash.Listview.SelectedItem
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum = $servers.count
        $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource | ForEach {$_.Notes = $Null}
        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"         
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Retrieving Windows Update log from Server..."            
        $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)        
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0

        $selectedItem.Notes = "Retrieving Update Log"
        . .\Scripts\Get-UpdateLog.ps1
        Try {
            $log = Get-UpdateLog -Computername $selectedItem.computer 
            If ($log) {
                $log | Out-GridView -Title ("{0} Update Log" -f $selectedItem.computer)
                $selectedItem.Notes = "Completed"
        } Catch {
            $selectedItem.notes = $_.Exception.Message
        $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date) 
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)
        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"

#Last100UpdateLog Event
    If ($uiHash.Listview.Items.count -eq 1) {
        $selectedItem = $uiHash.Listview.SelectedItem
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum = $servers.count
        $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource | ForEach {$_.Notes = $Null}
        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"         
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Retrieving Windows Update log from Server..."            
        $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)        
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0

        $selectedItem.Notes = "Retrieving Update Log"
        . .\Scripts\Get-UpdateLog.ps1
        Try {
            $log = Get-UpdateLog -Last 100 -Computername $selectedItem.computer 
            If ($log) {
                $log | Out-GridView -Title ("{0} Update Log" -f $selectedItem.computer)
                $selectedItem.Notes = "Completed"
        } Catch {
            $selectedItem.notes = $_.Exception.Message
        $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date) 
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)
        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"

#Last50UpdateLog Event
    If ($uiHash.Listview.Items.count -eq 1) {
        $selectedItem = $uiHash.Listview.SelectedItem
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum = $servers.count
        $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource | ForEach {$_.Notes = $Null}
        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"         
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Retrieving Windows Update log from Server..."            
        $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)        
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0

        $selectedItem.Notes = "Retrieving Update Log"
        . .\Scripts\Get-UpdateLog.ps1
        Try {
            $log = Get-UpdateLog -Last 50 -Computername $selectedItem.computer 
            If ($log) {
                $log | Out-GridView -Title ("{0} Update Log" -f $selectedItem.computer)
                $selectedItem.Notes = "Completed"
        } Catch {
            $selectedItem.notes = $_.Exception.Message
        $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date) 
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)
        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"

#Last25UpdateLog Event
    If ($uiHash.Listview.Items.count -eq 1) {
        $selectedItem = $uiHash.Listview.SelectedItem
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum = $servers.count
        $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource | ForEach {$_.Notes = $Null}
        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"         
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Retrieving Windows Update log from Server..."            
        $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)        
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0

        $selectedItem.Notes = "Retrieving Update Log"
        . .\Scripts\Get-UpdateLog.ps1
        Try {
            $log = Get-UpdateLog -Last 25 -Computername $selectedItem.computer 
            If ($log) {
                $log | Out-GridView -Title ("{0} Update Log" -f $selectedItem.computer)
                $selectedItem.Notes = "Completed"
        } Catch {
            $selectedItem.notes = $_.Exception.Message
        $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date) 
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)
        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"             

#Offline server removal
    Write-Verbose "Removing any server that is shown as offline"
    $Offline = @($uiHash.Listview.Items | Where {$_.Notes -eq "Offline"})
    $Offline | ForEach {
        Write-Verbose ("Removing {0}" -f $_.Computer)
    $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum = $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource.count

#ResetAuthorization Event
    If ($uiHash.Listview.Items.count -gt 0) {
        $Servers = $uiHash.Listview.SelectedItems | Select -ExpandProperty Computer
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum = $servers.count
        $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource | ForEach {$_.Notes = $Null}
        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Forcing Reset Authorization on Servers"           
        $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)        
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0
        $scriptBlock = {
            Param (
                $computer.Notes = "Reset Authorization on Update Client"
            Set-Location $Path
            $wmi = @{
                Computername = $computer.computer
                Class = "Win32_Process"
                Name = "Create"
                ErrorAction = "Stop"
                ArgumentList = "wuauclt /resetauthorization"
            Try {
                If ((Invoke-WmiMethod @wmi).ReturnValue -eq 0) {
                    $result = $True
                } Else {
                    $result = $False
            } Catch {
                $result = $False
                $returnMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                If ($result) {
                    $Computer.Notes = "Completed"
                } Else {
                    $computer.notes = ("Issue Occurred: {0}" -f $returnMessage)
                #Check to see if find job
                If ($uiHash.ProgressBar.value -eq $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum) { 
                    $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date)                                             
                    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)
                    $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
                    $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
                    $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
                    $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"                    

        Write-Verbose ("Creating runspace pool and session states")
        $sessionstate = [system.management.automation.runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
        $runspaceHash.runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $maxConcurrentJobs, $sessionstate, $Host)

        ForEach ($Computer in $selectedItems) {
            $computer.Notes = "Pending ResetAuthorization"
            #Create the powershell instance and supply the scriptblock with the other parameters 
            $powershell = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($computer).AddArgument($uiHash).AddArgument($Path)
            #Add the runspace into the powershell instance
            $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspaceHash.runspacepool
            #Create a temporary collection for each runspace
            $temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell,Runspace,Computer
            $Temp.Computer = $Computer.computer
            $temp.PowerShell = $powershell
            #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace
            $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
            Write-Verbose ("Adding {0} collection" -f $temp.Computer)
            $jobs.Add($temp) | Out-Null
#DetectNow Event
    If ($uiHash.Listview.Items.count -gt 0) {
        $Servers = $uiHash.Listview.SelectedItems | Select -ExpandProperty Computer
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum = $servers.count
        $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource | ForEach {$_.Notes = $Null}
        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Forcing Re-Detection of Update Client on Servers"          
        $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)        
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0
        $scriptBlock = {
            Param (
                $computer.Notes = "Re-Detect on Update Client"
            Set-Location $Path
            $wmi = @{
                Computername = $computer.computer
                Class = "Win32_Process"
                Name = "Create"
                ErrorAction = "Stop"
                ArgumentList = "wuauclt /detectnow"
            Try {
                If ((Invoke-WmiMethod @wmi).ReturnValue -eq 0) {
                    $result = $True
                } Else {
                    $result = $False
            } Catch {
                $result = $False
                $returnMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                If ($result) {
                    $Computer.Notes = "Completed"
                } Else {
                    $computer.notes = ("Issue Occurred: {0}" -f $returnMessage)
                #Check to see if find job
                If ($uiHash.ProgressBar.value -eq $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum) { 
                    $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date)                                             
                    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)
                    $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
                    $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
                    $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
                    $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"                    

        Write-Verbose ("Creating runspace pool and session states")
        $sessionstate = [system.management.automation.runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
        $runspaceHash.runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $maxConcurrentJobs, $sessionstate, $Host)

        ForEach ($Computer in $selectedItems) {
            $computer.Notes = "Pending DetectNow"
            #Create the powershell instance and supply the scriptblock with the other parameters 
            $powershell = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($computer).AddArgument($uiHash).AddArgument($Path)
            #Add the runspace into the powershell instance
            $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspaceHash.runspacepool
            #Create a temporary collection for each runspace
            $temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell,Runspace,Computer
            $Temp.Computer = $Computer.computer
            $temp.PowerShell = $powershell
            #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace
            $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
            Write-Verbose ("Adding {0} collection" -f $temp.Computer)
            $jobs.Add($temp) | Out-Null

#Rightclick Event
    Write-Debug "$($This.SelectedItem.Row.Computer)"
    If ($uiHash.Listview.SelectedItems.count -eq 0) {
        $uiHash.RemoveServerMenu.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.InstalledUpdatesMenu.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.WindowsUpdateLogMenu.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.WindowsUpdateServiceMenu.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.WUAUCLTMenu.IsEnabled = $False
        } ElseIf ($uiHash.Listview.SelectedItems.count -eq 1) {
        $uiHash.RemoveServerMenu.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.InstalledUpdatesMenu.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.WindowsUpdateLogMenu.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.WindowsUpdateServiceMenu.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.WUAUCLTMenu.IsEnabled = $True      
        } Else {
        $uiHash.RemoveServerMenu.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.InstalledUpdatesMenu.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.WindowsUpdateLogMenu.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.WUAUCLTMenu.IsEnabled = $True     

#ListView drop file Event
    $content = Get-Content $_.Data.GetFileDropList()
    $content | ForEach {
            New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                Computer = $_
                Audited = 0 -as [int]
                Installed = 0 -as [int]
                InstallErrors = 0 -as [int]
                Services = 0 -as [int]
                Notes = $Null

#FindFile Button
    $File = Open-FileDialog
    If (-Not ([system.string]::IsNullOrEmpty($File))) {
        Get-Content $File | Where {$_ -ne ""} | ForEach {
                New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    Computer = $_
                    Audited = 0 -as [int]
                    Installed = 0 -as [int]
                    InstallErrors = 0 -as [int]
                    Services = 0 -as [int]
                    Notes = $Null
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Waiting for action..."

#LoadADButton Events    
    $domain = Open-DomainDialog
    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Querying Active Directory for Computers..."
    $Searcher = [adsisearcher]""  
    $Searcher.SearchRoot= [adsi]"LDAP://$domain"
    $Searcher.Filter = ("(&(objectCategory=computer)(OperatingSystem=*server*))")
    $Searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add('name') | Out-Null
    Write-Verbose "Checking for exempt list"
    If (Test-Path Exempt.txt) {
        Write-Verbose "Collecting systems from exempt list"
        [string[]]$exempt = Get-Content Exempt.txt
    $Results = $Searcher.FindAll()
    foreach ($result in $Results) {
        [string]$computer = $result.Properties.name
        If ($Exempt -notcontains $computer -AND $clients -notcontains $computer) {
                New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    Computer = $computer
                    Audited = 0 -as [int]
                    Installed = 0 -as [int]
                    InstallErrors = 0 -as [int]
                    Services = 0 -as [int]
                    Notes = $Null
        } Else {
            Write-Verbose "Excluding $computer"
    $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum = $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource.count   
    $Global:clients = $clientObservable | Select -Expand Computer

#RunButton Events    

#region Client WSUS Service Action
#Stop Service
    If ($uiHash.Listview.Items.count -gt 0) {
        $Servers = $uiHash.Listview.SelectedItems | Select -ExpandProperty Computer
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum = $servers.count
        $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource | ForEach {$_.Notes = $Null}
        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Stopping WSUS Client service on selected servers"            
        $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)        
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0
        $scriptBlock = {
            Param (
                $computer.Notes = "Stopping Update Client Service"
            Set-Location $Path
            Try {
                $updateClient = Get-Service -ComputerName $computer.computer -Name wuauserv -ErrorAction Stop
                Stop-Service -inputObject $updateClient -ErrorAction Stop
                $result = $True
            } Catch {
                $updateClient = $_.Exception.Message
                If ($result) {
                    $Computer.Notes = "Service Stopped"
                } Else {
                    $computer.notes = ("Issue Occurred: {0}" -f $updateClient)
                #Check to see if find job
                If ($uiHash.ProgressBar.value -eq $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum) { 
                    $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date)                                             
                    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)
                    $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
                    $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
                    $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
                    $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"                    

        Write-Verbose ("Creating runspace pool and session states")
        $sessionstate = [system.management.automation.runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
        $runspaceHash.runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $maxConcurrentJobs, $sessionstate, $Host)

        ForEach ($Computer in $selectedItems) {
            $computer.Notes = "Pending Stop Service"
            #Create the powershell instance and supply the scriptblock with the other parameters 
            $powershell = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($computer).AddArgument($uiHash).AddArgument($Path)
            #Add the runspace into the powershell instance
            $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspaceHash.runspacepool
            #Create a temporary collection for each runspace
            $temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell,Runspace,Computer
            $Temp.Computer = $Computer.computer
            $temp.PowerShell = $powershell
            #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace
            $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
            Write-Verbose ("Adding {0} collection" -f $temp.Computer)
            $jobs.Add($temp) | Out-Null

#Start Service
    If ($uiHash.Listview.Items.count -gt 0) {
        $Servers = $uiHash.Listview.SelectedItems | Select -ExpandProperty Computer
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum = $servers.count
        $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource | ForEach {$_.Notes = $Null}
        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Starting WSUS Client service on selected servers"            
        $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)        
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0
        $scriptBlock = {
            Param (
                $computer.Notes = "Starting Update Client Service"
            Set-Location $Path
            Try {
                $updateClient = Get-Service -ComputerName $computer.computer -Name wuauserv -ErrorAction Stop
                Start-Service -inputObject $updateClient -ErrorAction Stop
                $result = $True
            } Catch {
                $updateClient = $_.Exception.Message
                If ($result) {
                    $Computer.Notes = "Service Started"
                } Else {
                    $computer.notes = ("Issue Occurred: {0}" -f $updateClient)
                #Check to see if find job
                If ($uiHash.ProgressBar.value -eq $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum) { 
                    $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date)                                             
                    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)
                    $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
                    $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
                    $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
                    $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"                    

        Write-Verbose ("Creating runspace pool and session states")
        $sessionstate = [system.management.automation.runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
        $runspaceHash.runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $maxConcurrentJobs, $sessionstate, $Host)

        ForEach ($Computer in $selectedItems) {
            $computer.Notes = "Pending Start Service"
            #Create the powershell instance and supply the scriptblock with the other parameters 
            $powershell = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($computer).AddArgument($uiHash).AddArgument($Path)
            #Add the runspace into the powershell instance
            $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspaceHash.runspacepool
            #Create a temporary collection for each runspace
            $temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell,Runspace,Computer
            $Temp.Computer = $Computer.computer
            $temp.PowerShell = $powershell
            #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace
            $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
            Write-Verbose ("Adding {0} collection" -f $temp.Computer)
            $jobs.Add($temp) | Out-Null

#Restart Service
    If ($uiHash.Listview.Items.count -gt 0) {
        $Servers = $uiHash.Listview.SelectedItems | Select -ExpandProperty Computer
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum = $servers.count
        $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource | ForEach {$_.Notes = $Null}
        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Restarting WSUS Client service on selected servers"            
        $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)        
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0
        $scriptBlock = {
            Param (
                $computer.Notes = "Restarting Update Client Service"
            Set-Location $Path
            Try {
                $updateClient = Get-Service -ComputerName $computer.computer -Name wuauserv -ErrorAction Stop
                Restart-Service -inputObject $updateClient -ErrorAction Stop
                $result = $True
            } Catch {
                $updateClient = $_.Exception.Message
                If ($result) {
                    $Computer.Notes = "Service Restarted"
                } Else {
                    $computer.notes = ("Issue Occurred: {0}" -f $updateClient)
                #Check to see if find job
                If ($uiHash.ProgressBar.value -eq $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum) { 
                    $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date)                                             
                    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)
                    $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
                    $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
                    $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
                    $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"                    

        Write-Verbose ("Creating runspace pool and session states")
        $sessionstate = [system.management.automation.runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
        $runspaceHash.runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $maxConcurrentJobs, $sessionstate, $Host)

        ForEach ($Computer in $selectedItems) {
            $computer.Notes = "Pending Restart Service"
            #Create the powershell instance and supply the scriptblock with the other parameters 
            $powershell = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($computer).AddArgument($uiHash).AddArgument($Path)
            #Add the runspace into the powershell instance
            $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspaceHash.runspacepool
            #Create a temporary collection for each runspace
            $temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell,Runspace,Computer
            $Temp.Computer = $Computer.computer
            $temp.PowerShell = $powershell
            #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace
            $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
            Write-Verbose ("Adding {0} collection" -f $temp.Computer)
            $jobs.Add($temp) | Out-Null

#View Installed Update Event
    If ($uiHash.Listview.Items.count -gt 0) {
        $selectedItems = $uiHash.Listview.SelectedItems
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum = $servers.count
        $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource | ForEach {$_.Notes = $Null}
        $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $False
        $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start_locked.jpg"
        $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $True
        $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop.jpg"        
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Gathering all installed patches on Servers"            
        $uiHash.StartTime = (Get-Date)        
        [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.Value = 0             

        $scriptBlock = {
            Param (
                $computer.Notes = "Querying Installed Updates"
            Set-Location $Path
            Try {
                $updates = Get-HotFix -ComputerName $computer.computer -ErrorAction Stop | Where {$_.Description -ne ""}
                If ($updates) {
                    $installedUpdates.AddRange($updates) | Out-Null
            } Catch {
                $result = $_.exception.Message
                If ($result) {
                    $computer.Notes = $result
                } Else {
                    $computer.Notes = "Completed"
                #Check to see if find job
                If ($uiHash.ProgressBar.value -eq $uiHash.ProgressBar.Maximum) { 
                    $End = New-Timespan $uihash.StartTime (Get-Date)                                             
                    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = ("Completed in {0}" -f $end)
                    $uiHash.RunButton.IsEnabled = $True
                    $uiHash.StartImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Start.jpg"
                    $uiHash.CancelButton.IsEnabled = $False
                    $uiHash.CancelImage.Source = "$pwd\Images\Stop_locked.jpg"                 
        Write-Verbose ("Creating runspace pool and session states")
        $sessionstate = [system.management.automation.runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
        $runspaceHash.runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $maxConcurrentJobs, $sessionstate, $Host)

        ForEach ($Computer in $selectedItems) {
            #Create the powershell instance and supply the scriptblock with the other parameters 
            $powershell = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($computer).AddArgument($uiHash).AddArgument($Path).AddArgument($installedUpdates)
            #Add the runspace into the powershell instance
            $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspaceHash.runspacepool
            #Create a temporary collection for each runspace
            $temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell,Runspace,Computer
            $Temp.Computer = $Computer.computer
            $temp.PowerShell = $powershell
            #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace
            $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
            Write-Verbose ("Adding {0} collection" -f $temp.Computer)
            $jobs.Add($temp) | Out-Null                

#ClearAuditReportMenu Events    
    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Audit Report Cleared!"  

#ClearInstallReportMenu Events    
    Remove-Variable InstallPatchReport -scope Global -force -ea 'silentlycontinue'
    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Install Report Cleared!"  

    Remove-Variable InstalledPatches -scope Global -force -ea 'silentlycontinue'
    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Installed Updates Report Cleared!"    
#ClearServerListMenu Events    
    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Server List Cleared!"  

#AboutMenu Event

#Options Menu
    #Launch options window
    Write-Verbose "Launching Options Menu"
    #Process Updates Options

#Select All

#HelpFileMenu Event

#KeyDown Event
    $key = $_.Key  
    If ([System.Windows.Input.Keyboard]::IsKeyDown("RightCtrl") -OR [System.Windows.Input.Keyboard]::IsKeyDown("LeftCtrl")) {
        Switch ($Key) {
        "E" {$This.Close()}
        "A" {$uiHash.Listview.SelectAll()}
        "O" {
            #Process Updates Options
        "S" {Add-Server}
        "D" {Remove-Server}
        Default {$Null}
    } ElseIf ([System.Windows.Input.Keyboard]::IsKeyDown("LeftShift") -OR [System.Windows.Input.Keyboard]::IsKeyDown("RightShift")) {
        Switch ($Key) {
            "RETURN" {Write-Host "Hit Shift+Return"}


#Key Up Event
    $Global:Test = $_
    Write-Debug ("Key Pressed: {0}" -f $_.Key)
    Switch ($_.Key) {
        "F1" {Open-PoshPAIGHelp}
        "F5" {Start-RunJob}
        "F8" {Start-Report}
        Default {$Null}


#AddServer Menu

#RemoveServer Menu

#Run Menu
#Report Menu
#Exit Menu

#ClearAll Menu
    $content = $Null
    [Float]$uiHash.ProgressBar.value = 0
    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
    $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Waiting for action..."    

#Clear Server List notes
    If ($uiHash.Listview.Items.count -gt 0) {
        $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource | ForEach {$_.Notes = $Null}

#Save Server List
    If ($uiHash.Listview.Items.count -gt 0) {
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
        $savedreport = Join-Path (Join-Path $home Desktop) "serverlist.csv"
        $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $savedreport
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Report saved to $savedreport"        
    } Else {
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Red"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "No report to create!"         
    If ($uiHash.Listview.Items.count -gt 0) { 
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Black"
        $savedreport = Join-Path $reportpath "hosts.txt"
        $uiHash.Listview.DataContext | Select -Expand Computer | Out-File $savedreport
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "Report saved to $savedreport"
        } Else {
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Foreground = "Red"
        $uiHash.StatusTextBox.Text = "No report to create!"         

#Report Generation

#Clear Error log
    Write-Verbose "Clearing error log"

#View Error Event
    Get-Error | Out-GridView

#ResetServerListData Event
    Write-Verbose "Resetting Server List data"
    $uiHash.Listview.ItemsSource | ForEach {$_.Notes = $Null;$_.Audited = 0;$_.Installed = 0;$_.InstallErrors = 0;$_.Services = 0}

#Start the GUI
$uiHash.Window.ShowDialog() | Out-Null

script can be downloaded here

Aaaa Boe Prox’ script. If you read this post, there’s a comment saying that you need to run this script in PowerShell v3. Then the errors will go away.