Update AD Attribute

Hi Guys,

i have a csv with username and employeeid. The task is for each user in the csv write their corresponding employeeid into AD. However the twist is to include a check before writing. So if the employeeid attribute is already available then skip that user and go to the next but write to a file saying that user id already exist. anyhelp will be appreciated. i have managed to write a check but not sure how to incoporate the rest

$userids = Get-Content ‘C:\location\some.csv’| ForEach-Object {get-aduser $_ -Properties *}
Foreach ($userid in $userids)
if ($userid.employeeid -ne $null)

    { write-host $userid.Name "ID is already Set"} 

 if($userid.employeeid -eq $null)

    { write-host $userid.Name $userid.employeeid "ID is not Set" }


You are not saving the contents of your file. You should loop through the file contents, retrieving the users one at a time. Then you can check the existing user, and if its not set, set it using “set-aduser -employeeid”. Else, write to your output file, “out-file -append”.

Here is your basic logic:

$csv = Import-CSV 'C:\location\some.csv' -Header SamAccountName, EmployeeID
foreach ($row in $csv) {
    $user = Get-ADUser -Filter {SamAccountName -eq $row.SamAccountName} -Properties EmployeeID
    If ($user) {
        if (!($user.EmployeeID)) {
            try {
                $user | Set-ADUser -EmployeeID $row.EmployeeID
            catch {
                "Error setting employee ID {0} on user {1}. {2}" -f $row.EmployeeID, $row.SamAccountName
        else {
            "User {0} already has ID {1} set, skipping setting of employeeID to {2}" -f $row.SamAccountName, $user.EmployeeID, $row.EmployeeID
    else {
        "Unable to find user {0}" -f $row.SamAccountName

If you really wanted a log file, you would just update the string format lines to something like:

Add-Content -Value ("Unable to find user {0}" -f $row.SamAccountName) -Path C:\ADUpdate.Log

Instead of just checking for a value, you may want to verify that the EmployeeID set in AD is the same one you’re trying to set, too. That would just mean adding another nested if to Rob’s code above.

if (!($user.EmployeeID)) {
            if ($user.EmployeeID -ne $row.EmployeeID) {
                 Add-Content -Value ("ID already set but is different: {0}: {1} - {2}" -f $row.SamAccountName, $row.EmployeeID, $user.EmployeeID) -Path C:\ADUpdate.Log
            else {
                 try {
                     $user | Set-ADUser -EmployeeID $row.EmployeeID
                 catch {
                     "Error setting employee ID {0} on user {1}. {2}" -f $row.EmployeeID, $row.SamAccountName
        else {
            "User {0} already has ID {1} set, skipping setting of employeeID to {2}" -f $row.SamAccountName, $user.EmployeeID, $row.EmployeeID

Thanks guys. Excellent responses and direction. You pretty much wrote it for me.