Can someone help me understand what is happening in this command please ?
I get the first part, find IPv4 in IPConfig the the select first IPv4 that is in the list, but what is happening here 1).split(‘:’)[1].trim() ? I want to be able to use these type of skills as i learn, but its confusing !
$ip = (ipconfig | findstr “IPv4” | select -First 1).split(‘:’)[1].trim()
Many thanks,
That’s quite a one-liner, but I think we can walk through it easily enough.
.Split() is a string method and is acting on the output of the pipeline in parentheses just before it. It takes a string and splits it up using a specified character as a delimiter, in this case a colon. After the split is done, you are left with a collection of strings instead of a single string:
PS C:\> (ipconfig | findstr "IPv4" | select -First 1).split(':')
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . .
Now you have two strings in a collection but you are only interested in one of them, so we use the index (square brackets) operator to get the second string. Collections are zero-indexed so the first item is 0, the second is 1 and so on:
PS C:\> (ipconfig | findstr "IPv4" | select -First 1).split(':')[1]
After that, the trim() method removes all the leading and trailing spaces from the string so you only have the IP address string remaining.
Thank you Matt, thats very helpful 
Alternatively, on newer Windows versions you can use the Get-NetIPConfiguration cmdlet to retrieve the same information.