Unable to write the output of command to .txt file

# Name:
# Date: 02/13/2023
# Desc: Runs remote commands for every computer within domain to collect general information

#Defining variable that reads the computer names from the .txt file
$ADCS = Get-Content -Path "C:\computers.txt"

# Loop through each computer name in the list
foreach ($ADC in $ADCS) {
        # Run the Invoke-Command cmdlet for each computer
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ADC -ScriptBlock {

            Get-ComputerInfo | Out-file -FilePath C:\Users\xml\Documents\computerinfo.txt -Append 

When this command is run, the results are not shown in the terminal, and instead look like they’re being redirected to the txt file. However, the text file is never created. What am I missing?

Hi, welcome to the forum :wave:

So, silly question:

Are you checking C:\Users\xml\Documents\computerinfo.txt on the remote computer, or on the computer you’re running the command from?


That makes a lot of sense… I have been checking my local path. With that being said the solution is simply changing the path location to a shared location right?

Regardless, thank you, that was the problem!

Yes, you could use a shared location. Alternatively, Invoke-Command will receive the output from the remote computer, so you could just move the Out-File:

foreach ($ADC in $ADCS) {
        # Run the Invoke-Command cmdlet for each computer
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ADC -ScriptBlock {

        } | Out-file -FilePath C:\Users\xml\Documents\computerinfo.txt -Append 
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Yep, thank you again. I originally put the pipe outside of the for loop, and was receiving an empty pipeline error. So you actually answered both questions.