Unable to view output table in RichTextBox


I am trying to view the services in RichTextBox but failed to do so.
Can someone point me the right direction? Below is the code.

function checksqlinfo {
$computers = $InputBox.lines.Split("`n")
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
try {
$sqlservices = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.Displayname -like "*sql*") } | Select-Object Displayname, Name, Startmode, State, PSComputerName | Format-Table -AutoSize
catch {
$outputBox.AppendText("Unable to view SQL Services`n")
Write-Output "`n"
Finally {

First of all, Format-Table is used only to format output in the interactive console session.

One if the options would be to loop through your $sqlservices object and append/format every value manually using spaces new lines and tabs.

Another option would be to use RTF (Reach Text Format) codes to generate a table inside reach text box:

Hope that helps.




Hi Andy,

Do you mind showing me example for the first method? loop through $sqlservices object and append/format every value manually using spaces new lines and tabs.

Thank you

[quote quote=259882]First of all, Format-Table is used only to format output in the interactive console session.

One if the options would be to loop through your $sqlservices object and append/format every value manually using spaces new lines and tabs.

Another option would be to use RTF (Reach Text Format) codes to generate a table inside reach text box:


Hope that helps.


Hi Andy

I came out with below code. I am trying to use the first method u suggest. It is still not working.

Function sqlinfo {

$computers = $InputBox.lines.Split("`n")

foreach ($computer in $computers) {

    try {


        $sqlservices = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.Displayname -like "*sql*") }

        $props = @{

            'Server Name'  = $computer;

            'Service Name' = $sqlservices.Name;

            'State'        = $sqlservices.StartMode


        $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $props



    catch {



    finally {





Hello Muhammad,

Here is quick and dirty way to accomplish this:

Function sqlinfo {
    $computers = $InputBox.lines.Split("`n")
    #Output Table Headers
    #Output Table Width
    #Add Headers to OutputBox
    $outputBox.AppendText("$C1Header$(' '*($ColumnWidth-$C1Header.length))<code>t$C2Header$(' '*($ColumnWidth-$C2Header.Length))</code>t$C3Header$(' '*($ColumnWidth-$C3Header.Length))`n")
    foreach ($computer in $computers) {
        try {

            $sqlservices = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.Displayname -like "*sql*") }
            #Add Values to the output
            $outputBox.AppendText("$computer$(' '*($ColumnWidth-$computer.length))`t$($sqlservices.Name)$(' '*$($ColumnWidth-$sqlservices.Name.length))`t$($sqlservices.StartMode)$(' '*$($ColumnWidth-$sqlservices.StartMode.length))`n")
        catch {
        finally {

Probably it would be better to at least wrap all this formatting stuff in separate function.

Hope that helps.

As discussed added loop for multiple $sqlservices:

Function sqlinfo {

$computers = $InputBox.lines.Split("`n")

#Output Table Headers
#Output Table Width

#Add Headers to OutputBox
$outputBox.AppendText("$C1Header$(' '*($ColumnWidth-$C1Header.length))`t$C2Header$(' '*($ColumnWidth-$C2Header.Length))`t$C3Header$(' '*($ColumnWidth-$C3Header.Length))`n")
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
try {

$sqlservices = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.Displayname -like "*sql*") }
foreach($sqls in $sqlservices){
#Add Values to the output
$outputBox.AppendText("$computer$(' '*($ColumnWidth-$computer.length))`t$($sqlservices.Name)$(' '*$($ColumnWidth-$sqlservices.Name.length))`t$($sqlservices.StartMode)$(' '*$($ColumnWidth-$sqlservices.StartMode.length))`n")
catch {

finally {





Hope that helps.