First of all I am new to this forum and this is my first post so if this is not placed in the correct section I apologize. Also I am not an expert at powershell by any means.
We use CitrixXenApp 6.5. We would like to get some counter information in a simplified format. This counter is the ICA latency counter, I am able to get the information needed but it comes out in a format that I am not able to manipulate into something more usable for our needs. I need it to be formatted into two columns: user and latency counter stats. When I run the command
get-counter "\\servername\ICA Session(*)\Latency - Last Recorded"
I get an output like the following
Timestamp CounterSamples
1/5/2015 1:40:47 PM \servername\ica session(_server total)\latency - last recorded :
\\servername\ica session(ica-tcp 7 (userA))\latency - last recorded :
\\servername\ica session(ica-tcp 3 (userB))\latency - last recorded :
\\servername\ica session(ica-tcp 4 (userC))\latency - last recorded :
\\servername\ica session(ica-tcp 5 (UserD))\latency - last recorded :
\\servername\ica session(ica-tcp 2 (UserE))\latency - last recorded :
\\servername\ica session(ica-tcp 6 (UserF))\latency - last recorded :
\\servername\ica session(ica-tcp 0 (UserG))\latency - last recorded :
The problem I have is that I am not able to parse out just the username (userA) and the Last recorded: stat.
I have done a GM and I get the following
TypeName: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetCounter.PerformanceCounterSampleSet
Name MemberType Definition
Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
GetType Method type GetType()
ToString Method string ToString()
CounterSamples Property Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetCounter.PerformanceCounterSample CounterSamples {get;set;}
Timestamp Property datetime Timestamp {get;set;}
Readings ScriptProperty System.Object Readings {get=$strPaths = “”…
I tried
get-counter "\\servername\ICA Session(*)\Latency - Last Recorded" | select CounterSamples
{_server total, ica-tcp 7 (UserA), ica-tcp 3 (UserB), ica-tcp 4 (UserC)…}
This narrows the information down a bit but still not what I need, As you can see it gives me the username and the TCP type but not the counter information.
I then tried
get-counter "\\cltcldssgxa01\ICA Session(*)\Latency - Last Recorded" | select readings
\cltcldssgxa01\ica session(_server total)\latency - last recorded :…
I am sure I am missing a very simple solution but for the life of me I am not able to figure it out. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.