Trying to install WMF5 preview remotely


I am trying to test deploying WMF5 preview to nodes and can not seem to get it to work.

Here is what I have tried:

#Pull computer objects for AD
function GetDSCServers {
    import-module ActiveDirectory
    Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "OU=DSC Managed Nodes,OU=SERVERS,OU=NYC,OU=Americas,DC=lab2,DC=mckinsey,DC=com" -filter * | Select-Object Name
$DSCServers = GetDSCServers

foreach ($DSCServer in $DSCServers) {

$DSC = $

Copy-item "\\lab-dsc-01\WMF_5" -container -recurse "\\$DSC\c$\temp\" -Force

Invoke-Command -Computername $DSC -ScriptBlock {
    Start /wait wusa.exe "c:\temp\WMF_5\Extracted\Win8.1AndW2K12R2--KB3066437-x64.msu" /quiet /forcerestart 
	} -Credential $(Get-Credential)

Here I tried extracting the msu.

#Pull computer objects for AD
function GetDSCServers {
    import-module ActiveDirectory
    Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "OU=DSC Managed Nodes,OU=SERVERS,OU=NYC,OU=Americas,DC=lab2,DC=mckinsey,DC=com" -filter * | Select-Object Name
$DSCServers = GetDSCServers

foreach ($DSCServer in $DSCServers) {

$DSC = $

Copy-item "\\lab-dsc-01\WMF_5" -container -recurse "\\$DSC\c$\temp\" -Force

Invoke-Command -Computername $DSC -ScriptBlock {
    Start-Process -FilePath 'dism.exe' -ArgumentList "/online /add-package /PackagePath:c:\temp\WMF_5\Extracted\" 
	} -Credential $(Get-Credential)

The files copy the the servers with no issues, I can see the credental logging on in the Security Event log, but it never runs.

All help is appreciated.


What happens when you try to do Start-Process on the local machine? If you get any type of GUI, this will not work on remote machines.

You probably need to find the silent switches to run the program unattended. Look here for some more information.

If I run the Start-Process on my local machine it brings up a cmd window with the DISM command and runs.

I know there are difficulties installing Windows updates remotely but it has to be possible somehow. I can’t be the first person trying to do this.