Trouble with ElseIF

Hi Guys,

I’m trying to make a little tool, but at the moment i’m struggling to get my ElseIF working. I can’t see the flaw in my logic,

it currently looks like this:

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$StudentNo = CustomInputBox "Please Give the Student Number"

$status = Get-ADUser -Filter "SAMAccountName -like '$StudentNo'" | Select-Object Enabled

if ("$status -Match '@{Enabled=True}'") {

   Show-MessageBox "Account is Enabled"
   } ElseIf ("$status -Match '@{Enabled=False}'") {

   Show-MessageBox "Account is Disabled" 

I have it using Windows Forms, whatever i type in (in this case it takes a student number which is the SAMAccountName)
it shows as enabled, even if the status, when checked seperately is @{Enabled=False}.

If you want the whole code, i can provide, but this seems to be the problem area?
Thank you.

Maybe try

if ($status.enabled -eq 'True') {

   Show-MessageBox "Account is Enabled"
   } Else {

   Show-MessageBox "Account is Disabled" 

As it is (probably, cant check sorry) a boolean:

if ($status.enabled) {

Show-MessageBox “Account is Enabled”
} Else {

Show-MessageBox “Account is Disabled”

I think the problem is with your code. Can you send us the code? Here is what I have.

$StudentNo = Read-Host "Please give the student number"
$status = Get-ADUser -Filter {SamAccountName -like $StudentNo} | Select-Object enabled 
if ($Status.enabled -eq "True"){
    Write-Output "Account is eabled"
    Write-Output "Account is disabled"

Thank’s for all your help guys,

I got it working using the following

if ($status.Enabled -eq $true) {

   Show-MessageBox "Account is Enabled"
   } ElseIf ($status.Enabled -eq $false) {

   Show-MessageBox "Account is Disabled" 

Again, thank you!