Hi All,
I am trying to update a group with new users from a query. Due to the fact that this group is tied to a mailing list I don’t want to empty then repopulate the group. I came up with the idea of generating a list of the existing users and new users based on a query. I was able to get it to work but ended up changing to the following because of the 5,000 user query limit.
$updatedUsers = Get-ADUser -ResultPageSize 2147483647 -Filter { department -eq "Sales" -and employeeType -eq "Acct Exec" } -Properties DistinguishedName | Select DistinguishedName # Build list of current group members $currentGroupUsers = (Get-ADGroup $group -Properties member).member # Create file with differences between current users and users from Colleague file $modGroup = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $currentGroupUsers -DifferenceObject $updatedUsers # Add/Remove based on differnce between current and updated users list $modGroup | foreach { # Remove uses from group if ($_.sideindicator -eq '<='){ $DN = $_.InputObject Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Members "$DN" -Confirm:$false } # Add users to group if ($_.sideindicator -eq '=>'){ $DN = $_.InputObject Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Members "$DN" } }
When I do the Compare-Object it’s failing. Looking at the $modGroup variable I am seeing
@{DistinguishedName=CN=dbrown,OU=Sales,OU=employees,DC=example,DC=com} => @{DistinguishedName=CN=kwest,OU=Sales,OU=employees,DC=example,DC=com} =>
CN=jsmith,OU=Marketing,OU=employees,DC=example,DC=com <=
CN=sjones,OU=Marketing,OU=employees,DC=example,DC=com <=
How do I get so that I am comparing Apples to Apples (list of DNs to list of DNs)
Thank you in advance,