I have two arrays one comes from a sql stored procedure, another from ad group members. Then I use | out-string and @(). Each array has only one column.
I try to trim the result array elements like this $c | foreach{ $.Trim()} but this doesn’t work.
The only way it works is if I move the result to a file first, get the content and then trim (get-content C:\Temp\c.csv) | foreach{ $.Trim()}
Can anyone please tell me why?
Thank you.
- How do you know the trimming isn’t working?
- Can you show your code for how you’re getting the AD group members, piping them to Out-String, and then trying to do the trimming?
- Can you give an example set of data before and after the trimming?
- What kind of file are you putting the text into before you then call Get-Content? Are you putting it into a Notepad txt file?
I’m just guessing, but it sounds like maybe there are characters/formatting in the original data output (before the trim) that are being removed when you put the data into a file and, therefore, when you import the data back in to trim it, it’s working. I’m curious to get the above answers so I can try to reproduce your issue.
Here is what I am trying to do:
$userssql = @(GetUserSqlFunctionCall | ft -HideTableHeaders | Select-Object -First 5 |Out-string) | foreach { $_.Trim() }
$Usersad = @((Get-ADGroup -Identity “GroupName” -Properties Members).Members | Get-ADObject -Properties SamAccountName | ft -HideTableHeaders SamAccountName | Select-Object -first 5 | Out-string) | foreach { $_.Trim() }
When I move the result of $userssql and $Usersad to a file I can visually see the extra spaces.
If I do get content from the file and trim, the spaces are gone. (get-content C:\Temp\c.csv) | foreach{ $_.Trim()}
Overall, I need to compare the two lists of users and get the differences.
get rid of format-table
and out-string
, use select-object -expandproperty
you get multiline string and try to trim it instead of array of strings
PS C:\> (" aaa `r`n bbb `r`n ccc ").Trim()
PS C:\> (" aaa "," bbb "," ccc ").Trim()
I agree with Max. To get the AD member list, you might try the following:
$Usersad = (Get-ADGroup -Identity "Stargate SG1" -Properties Members).Members | Get-ADObject -Properties SamAccountName | Select-Object -Property SamAccountName
You should be able to do something similar to the results of your SQL query. Assuming all is well from there, you can look into using the Compare-Object cmdlet to compare the two lists.
For example:
$list1 = 'a','b','c'
$list2 = 'b','c','d'
Compare-Object $list1 $list2 -IncludeEqual
InputObject SideIndicator
----------- -------------
b ==
c ==
d =>
a <=
Hope that helps.
Thank you Max and Kevyn! This is exactly what I was looking for!