Thread Subscription

Is it possible to receive an email each time someone submits a new thread on the Powershell Q&A and also for DSC Forum?

Wasn’t really sure where best this request fits.



Yep! If you hover over Forums in the ribbon across the top of this page, and click Forum Tips, there are instructions for subscribing to new thread notifications at the end of the page:

[blockquote]If you’d like to be notified of any new forums posts, you’ll need to subscribe to our notification e-mail list. This is an external list to help manage traffic on the Web server. It’s an all-or-nothing list – you’ll get an e-mail for every new post that shows up in the forums. To join, go to Listbox • Email Marketing. Enter your e-mail address and the list ID “porg-forums-notices” and click “Subscribe.” You can remove yourself at any time.[/blockquote]

ah kool - subscribed to that now.
