TestCases with Proxy Values

I have a need to have a test case call a web service proxy and the results used in my pester script here is what I’m trying to do.

the function requires a proxy so that you can call methods. I want to verify that the method I call through the proxy is returning something or better yet returns a type of: SSRSProxy.ScheduleDefinition

My problem is every time I run the test I can’t seem to figure out the right means to formulate my Test case. so that it goes to the It block properly. What am I missing?

#---------function to be tested ---------------
function Get-CacheOptions
    $cacheOptions = $null
    $ssrsproxy.GetCacheOptions($path,[ref]$cacheOptions) | Out-Null
    if($cacheOptions.Item -is [SSRSProxy.ScheduleDefinition])
    else {
        $cacheOptions = $null

#----------------- test case and pester code below ------------------------
#$ssrsproxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri 'http://ssrsdev/reportserver/reportservice2010.asmx' -UseDefaultCredential   -namespace 'SSRSProxy' -class 'ReportService2010' -ErrorAction 0 
Describe 'Get-CacheOptions' {
$testCases = @(
    ssrsproxy = (New-WebServiceProxy -Uri 'http://ssrs/reportserver/reportservice2010.asmx' -UseDefaultCredential   -namespace 'SSRSProxy' -class 'ReportService2010' -ErrorAction 0);
    path = '/Reports/DataSets/DocumentChanges'

    ssrsproxy = (New-WebServiceProxy -Uri 'http://ssrs/reportserver/reportservice2010.asmx' -UseDefaultCredential   -namespace 'SSRSProxy' -class 'ReportService2010' -ErrorAction 0);
    path = '/Reports/DataSets/ColorChanges'
  Context 'running with arguments' {
    It 'does something' -TestCases $testCases {
      foreach($testcase in $testcases)
       (get-CacheOptions -ssrsproxy $testcase.ssrsproxy -path $testcase.path).item | should exist
       #(get-CacheOptions -ssrsproxy $testcase.ssrsproxy -path $testcase.path).item | should beoftype SSRSProxy.ScheduleDefinition

Try below: When using test cases, there’s a “built-in” foreach loop that will iterate through your $testCases array. You need to create a param block inside of the scriptblock to pass the test case parameters into.

Describe 'Get-CacheOptions' {
	$testCases = @(
			ssrsproxy = (New-WebServiceProxy -Uri 'http://ssrs/reportserver/reportservice2010.asmx' -UseDefaultCredential   -namespace 'SSRSProxy' -class 'ReportService2010' -ErrorAction 0);
			path = '/Reports/DataSets/DocumentChanges'

			ssrsproxy = (New-WebServiceProxy -Uri 'http://ssrs/reportserver/reportservice2010.asmx' -UseDefaultCredential   -namespace 'SSRSProxy' -class 'ReportService2010' -ErrorAction 0);
			path = '/Reports/DataSets/ColorChanges'
	Context 'running with arguments' {
		It 'does something' -TestCases $testCases {

			(get-CacheOptions -ssrsproxy $ssrsproxy -path $path).item | should beoftype SSRSProxy.ScheduleDefinition

Perfect… thank you for the Tip much appreciated Adam