System.String export to csv

I’m trying to get all permanent routes off remote servers and I started with the following
$Computers = “.”

$PermRoutes = get-wmiobject -class “Win32_IP4PersistedRouteTable” -namespace “root\CIMV2” -computername $Computers

$routes = foreach ($object in $PermRoutes) {


$routes | Export-CSV .\routes.csv -NoTypeInformation

which displays a nice list of routes
however my csv only contains the $routes.Length property. I’m really bad with tables and arrays and not sure why instead of coma separated values I get only one value which is Length. Could someone explain what’s going on in the script so I understand why I’m not getting what I expect?

Take a look at:

If you just want to export the data you can just use Out-File:

$routes | Out-File .\routes.csv

However, if you plan on building on this and pulling more data it may make sense change to a custom object:

$PermRoutes = get-wmiobject -class "Win32_IP4PersistedRouteTable" -namespace "root\CIMV2" -computername $Computers

$routes = foreach ($object in $PermRoutes) {

                    Description = $object.Description
                    # You can add in addtional Properties
                    #ComputerName = $object.PSComputerName
                    #RouteName = $object.Name

$routes | Export-CSV .\routes.csv -NoTypeInformation

An even simpler approach would be to just use a select statement:

$PermRoutes = get-wmiobject -class "Win32_IP4PersistedRouteTable" -namespace "root\CIMV2" -computername $Computers

$PermRoutes | Select-Object -Property Description | Export-CSV .\routes.csv -NoTypeInformation

Thanks Chris for great explanation. I see you use the PSCustomObject in a quite different way than the Scripting Guy does and to me less confusing. The 2-liner makes things even easier.