by Cancerous at 2012-10-08 22:32:43
Noob to PS, but I know bash and Klaas at 2012-10-09 00:45:45
I’m trying to do a simple script that tests the existence of a file and then creates another depending on the outcome, but prompts me for a parameter value after running it.
Code:function test-existence {
I’ve tried running it as a function and just as a two line script, but it still produces the same result.
if(test-path -path "C:\testran.flag") {echo > C:\users\admin\desktop\true.flag}
if(!(test-path -path "C:\testfailed.flag")) {echo > C:\users\admin\desktop\false.flag}
[quote]Supply values for the following parameters:
InputObject[0]]This is part of a fully automated setup so I need this to run without any user interaction.
echo is an alias for write-output, and if you don’t tell it what it has to write, it will ask Cancerous at 2012-10-10 15:04:50
tryGet-Help echo -full
Maybe you want to use New-Item instead:if(test-path -path "C:\testran.flag") {New-Item -Type file -Path C:\users\admin\desktop\true.flag}
Solved it using Add-Contentfunction test-existence
if(test-path -path "C:\testran.flag") {Add-Content C:\users\admin\desktop\true.flag ""}
if(!(test-path -path "C:\testfailed.flag")) {Add-Content C:\users\admin\desktop\false.flag ""}