Some Idea of substrings

Hi people,

I would like to know if have some way to use the substrings for to get a dynamically text: I have the below result:

$strcli = = STRING: "NAME012345678"

I use the follow:

$strcli = $strcli.Substring(50,12)




That works fine, but if the strings hav a name with less characters, the substring does not work.

Someone have an idea?

Substring are static looks. If you want dynamic, look to using RegEx string match.

See details here:

PowerShell: Working With Regular Expressions (regex)

Powershell regular expressions
Powershell regular expressions - Svendsen Tech

PowerShell regex crash course – Part 2 of 5
PowerShell regex crash course – Part 2 of 5 - Scripting Blog

PowerShell Problem Solver: PowerShell String Parsing with Regular Expressions
PowerShell Problem Solver: PowerShell String Parsing with Regular Expressions | Petri IT Knowledgebase

Strings are hard, because they aren’t ALWAYS in the same format, BUT if they are, you can do some things. If you’re final string is always inside double quotes, the below works.

$strcli = = STRING: "NAME012345678"
$substring = $strcli.split("'")[1]

If it doesn’t always have double quotes, but does have “:”, then you could do something like,


You may get away with

PS> $strcli.split(‘G: "’)[6]


Thank you for all answer. Let me explain a more about the script. My need is get some information for an equipment with SNMPWalk. When I run the command (walk), the result is an array. See below:
. = STRING: “54321C013217A”
. = STRING: “12345F100417A”
. = STRING: “54321C012817A”
. = STRING: “12345F100317A”
. = STRING: “12345F100017A”
. = STRING: “12345F100617A”
. = STRING: “12345F1TESTE2”
. = STRING: “12345F100717A”
. = STRING: “12345F10TESTE”
. = STRING: “12345F100817A”
. = STRING: “12345F100917A”
. = STRING: “12345F101017A”
. = STRING: “12345F101117A”
. = STRING: “12345F101217A”
. = STRING: “12345F101317A”
. = STRING: “12345F102117A”
. = STRING: “12345F102417A”

I would like to get only value between “”.

The split almost work, but it get only first line.



try this:

$string = '. = STRING: "12345F102417A"'
$pattern = '^.*"(?(.*))"$'
if ($string -match $pattern) {
   Write-Host $

I was unable to edit the above reply, but try this:

$string = '. = STRING: "12345F102417A"'
$pattern = '^.*"(?(.*))"$'   #Your editor is removing the less than name greater than part of this which should be directly after the ?.
if ($string -match $pattern) {
   Write-Host $

Due to a quirk in your HTML editor I cannot write the above correctly. This is what goes directly after the ? LESS THAN name GREATER THAN (no spaces).

Thank you guys for the all answers.

I don’t have solved that issue yet. The most problem is that the result (string between “”) has the various size. Some have 8 characters, and some other have plus or minus.

thanks again.


That’s pretty easy, assuming your data come as separate lines (that is why I am doing the -split on it), all you need to do is replace everything that is not in the last quotes:

$s = @'
. = STRING: "54321C013217A"
. = STRING: "12345F100417A"
. = STRING: "54321C012817A"
. = STRING: "12345F100317A"
. = STRING: "12345F100017A"
. = STRING: "12345F100617A"
. = STRING: "12345F1TESTE2"
. = STRING: "12345F100717A"
. = STRING: "12345dF10TESTE"
. = STRING: "12345F100817A"
. = STRING: "12345Fdd100917A"
. = STRING: "12345F101017A"
. = STRING: "12345Fdd101117A"
. = STRING: "12345F101217A"
. = STRING: "12345F101317A"
. = STRING: "12345F102117A"
. = STRING: "12345F102417A"
'@ -split "`n" #<- making it behave like the data would come from Get-Content

$s -replace '.*\"(.*?)\"\s*$','$1'

I put your example in a text file. This will output all strings between “”.

$file = Get-ChildItem .\string.txt

switch -Regex -File $file {

Hi, thanks for all answers. I can not use a external file because is it a snmp walk.

Using split(‘"’) it separate correctly, but I can’t put the result into array.

$target = @($ini)
$ini=0 |
foreach {
    $strcli = (snmpwalk.exe -Ln -On -v 2c -c public $hostip ".")

    ##Remove String Chars from OID###
    $target = $strcli.split('"',3)[1] ---- When put this, appear only first row from table
    $strcli = $target

Result without [1]

. = STRING: 

. = STRING: 

. = STRING: 

. = STRING: 

Thank you for help.



I am here again with some issue about string into powershell. Now I need get only value after a specific string, like below:

. = INTEGER: 6

I put the result in a variable and I try to use the -replace

$result = . = INTEGER: 6
$result = $result -replace ("(:\s([\d])")

But I cannot remove the whitespace in front of 6.

Thanks for you help.


If ('. = INTEGER: 6' -match "INTEGER: (.*)") {
    $result = $matches[1]

Thank you for your help Curtis,

Maybe I was not cleared about the case. I need to get the number after INTEGER:

Thank you for your time and sorry for the my mistake.


Hey Rodrigo,
Did you try it? That’s exactly what it does. After running this, $result contains the number after INTEGER: with no space

There is a simple snmp powershell module here. It doesn’t resolve hostnames, but for simple strings it should be straighforward. PowerShell Gallery | SNMP

On a tangent, I spent a week wrestling with interpreting bits in octetstrings for printer status. See the bottom.
powershell - How to read SNMP OID Output (bits) - Stack Overflow

It looks like what you really want to do is use regex to parse the strings and make PowerShell objects out of them so you can then work with the data in a more powershell way to filter or grab the data you want.


$data = @’
. = STRING: “54321C013217A”
. = INTEGER: 6
. = STRING: “12345F100417A”
. = STRING: “54321C012817A”
'@ -split “`n”

$data |
Select-String -Pattern ‘^(.?) = (.?): (.*?)$’ |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches |
ForEach-Object {
oid = $.Groups[1].value
type = $
value = $_.Groups[3].value.Trim(‘"’)


oid                                    type      value

. STRING 54321C013217A
. STRING 12345F100417A
. STRING 54321C012817A