Simple Formatting of Output

I am trying to get the @{n=‘length (MB)’;e= {$_.length/1MB}} to display in say 15.47 and not 15.477776998, is there an easy way to get this formatting in the below powershell?

$filepath = “C:\temp”

$Items = Get-ChildItem -Path $filepath -Recurse -Force

$files = $items | ? {!$_.PsIsContainer }

$files | Select-Object -Property @{n=‘FileName’;e={$.name.ToUpper()}}, @{n=‘length (MB)’;e= {$.length/1MB}} | Sort-Object -Property ‘length (MB)’ -Descending | Out-GridView

Hi Andrew,

You’ve got two options:

  1. Round the numbers to the specified number of decimal places:

[System.Decimal]::Round($_.Length/1MB, 2)

  1. Convert it to a string and format it using the .NET formatting feature:


I hope that helps.


Thanks Daniel - been banging my head on the wall for a while - cheers

I’d have…

$files | Select-Object -Property @{n='FileName';e={$}}, @{n='length (MB)';e={ '{0:N2}' -f ($_.length/1MB) } | Sort-Object -Property 'length (MB)' -Descending | Out-GridView

Formatting (-f) operator. Uses the same notation as the ToString() trick above.