Shuffle a string

Hopefully easy :slight_smile:

$string = "12345678"

how do i shuffle said sting to produce a random arrangement ? i.e numbers come out as 153264987?

($string -split '' | Sort-Object {Get-Random}) -join ''

Thanks Olaf

oneliner contest ? :slight_smile:
($string.ToCharArray() | Get-Random -Count $string.Length) -join ‘’

Olaf and Max

Thank you!! I was thinking I would need to loop through the string I needed to shuffle. You guys rock!

Depending on what you are doing, another option may be a range as well:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Random -Minimum 100000000 -Maximum 199999999

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Random -Minimum 100000000 -Maximum 199999999

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Random -Minimum 100000000 -Maximum 199999999

Here for the oneliner contest! :wink:

-join($string -split''|sort{Get-Random})
39 characters. :D