I’m writing a dsc resource to set permission in a SharePoint site. The code I’m using works perfectly fine when I test it in a powershell shell with the snappin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell loaded.
As a dsc resource the object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb does not return the properties although it seems to load fine.
function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [System.String] $LoginName, [System.String] $WebUrl, [ValidateSet("Present","Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure ) $WebUrl = "http://scw000001204.corp.gwpnet.com/search" Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell $result = $false Write-Verbose ("using credentials: " + $Env:USERNAME) try { $web = Get-SPWeb -Identity $WebUrl -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose ("Web found: " + $web.Url) Write-Verbose ("Object Type: " + $web.GetType().Fullname) } catch { Write-Error ("Could not load web with url: " + $weburl) } if($Group = $web.SiteGroups[$GroupName]) { try { $User = $web.EnsureUser($LoginName) foreach ($GroupUser in $group.users) { if ($GroupUser.Userlogin -eq $User.Userlogin) { $result = $true Write-Verbose ("User " + $User.Userlogin + " is member of the group: " + $GroupName) } } } catch { Write-Error ("User not found: " + $LoginName) } } else { Write-Error ("Group not found: " + $GroupName) } return $result }
The output looks like this:
VERBOSE: [SCW000001204]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[srSPGroupMember]VisitorGroupRoot]
VERBOSE: [SCW000001204]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[srSPGroupMember]VisitorGroupRoot]
VERBOSE: [SCW000001204]: [[srSPGroupMember]VisitorGroupRoot] using credentials: tecshp00
VERBOSE: [SCW000001204]: [[srSPGroupMember]VisitorGroupRoot] Leaving BeginProcessing Method of Get-SPWeb.
VERBOSE: [SCW000001204]: [[srSPGroupMember]VisitorGroupRoot] Leaving ProcessRecord Method of Get-SPWeb.
VERBOSE: [SCW000001204]: [[srSPGroupMember]VisitorGroupRoot] Leaving EndProcessing Method of Get-SPWeb.
VERBOSE: [SCW000001204]: [[srSPGroupMember]VisitorGroupRoot] Web found: http://scw000001204.corp.gwpnet.com/search
VERBOSE: [SCW000001204]: [[srSPGroupMember]VisitorGroupRoot] Object Type: Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb
Group not found: TestGroup
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: ( , CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Test-TargetResource
+ PSComputerName : localhost
The Group “TestGroup” exists and I can run the same code outside the dsc resource and it works fine.
Any ideas what I’m doing wrong here?