Server Manager and remote DCs

We are implementing our first 2012R2 domain controllers. I tried adding them into Server Manager on my Windows 8.1 workstation, logged on as a domain admin, and receive data retrieval failure errors.

Configuration refresh failed with the following error: The metadata failed to be retrieved from the server, due to the following error: The WinRM client received an HTTP bad request status (400), but the remote service did not include any other information about the cause of the failure.

When I try to remote PowerShell to the server, I get this:

Enter-PSSession : Connecting to remote server SERVERNAME failed with the following error message : The WinRM client received an HTTP bad request status (400), but the remote service did not include any other information about the cause of the failure. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
At line:1 char:1

  • Enter-PSSession ‘SERVERNAME’ -Credential:‘DOMAIN\USERID’
  •   + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (SERVERNAME:String) [Enter-PSSession], PSRemotingTransportException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CreateRemoteRunspaceFailed

All of this worked on the server before I installed ADDS.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Can you ping the servername (separately and alternately, the IP) from the Win8.1 workstation without loss?

Are you on a computer that’s in the same domain as the servers, a trusted domain, an entirely different domain, or no domain? And, just checking, have the computers been restarted since ADDS was installed and they were turned into DCs?

Ping works no problem.

Same domain as the DC. DCs have been rebooted multiple times.