I am trying to code a script to backup a server connected remotely. I just need to copy the “data” directory from “mysql” directory. For example, the file would be in \test_server\c$\mysql\data. And i want to copy to my own HD. In my own partition “D”. My code currently:
#System variables
$date = Get-Date -Format dd.MM.yyyy
$source = "\teste\c$\teste.txt"
$destination = “D:$date”
$username = “xxx”
$password = “xxx”
#Email variables
$from = "XX "
$to = "XX "
$body = “Backup:”
$subject = “Backup of $date”
mkdir $date
$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$WebClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($username, $password)
Copy-Item -Path \\teste\c$\test.txt -Destination D:\$date\test.txt;
$backup_log = Dir -Recurse $destination | out-File "$destination\backup_log.txt"
$attachment = "$destination\backup_log.txt"
send-MailMessage -From $from -To $to -Subject $subject -Attachments $attachment -Body $body -BodyAsHtml
write-host "Backup Sucessfull"
cd c:\
Hi Pedro,
Copy-Item does not work with paths that have ‘$’ in them. You should map a PSdrive, copy from drive and then remove drive. Here is example:
$sourcefolder = "\\teste\c$\"
New-PSDrive -Name X -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $sourcefolder
$file = "X:\teste.txt"
Copy-item $file -Destination "folder on your drive"
cd c:\ #make sure you are not on X: drive
Remove-PSDrive X
And what about the connection between the machine and the server? How can i do this? I was trying to invoke-command -computername Server test.ps1 but i got the winrm issue.
Let me get it straight:
- You are running this script on your PC (may be other serverX).
- You access files on server via admin share with address "\teste\c$"
In this scenario you run the script on destination machine (your PC). Script maps remote server admin share. No remote powershell needed for accessing admin share. Then it copies file to your PC.
I see… but it doenst work for me. Can u give me an example, please?
Look at this code:
$date = Get-Date -Format dd.MM.yyyy
$sourcefolder = "\server\c$"
$destfolder = "\mypc\d$"
New-PSDrive -Name Map -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $sourcefolder
$file = “Map:\test.txt”
Copy-Item $file -Destination (New-Item "$destfolder$date" -Type container -Force) -Force
cd c:\ #make sure you are not on Map: drive
Remove-PSDrive Map
It gives me an error: The access to the path ‘04.11.2015’ was denied. + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (\mypc\d$:String) [New
-Item], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CreateDirectoryArgumentError,Microsoft.PowerShel
The path has an invalid format
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (\mypc\d$:String) [New
-Item], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CreateDirectoryArgumentError,Microsoft.PowerShel
How can i do this? I know that’s simple but i cant do it
$date = Get-Date -Format dd.MM.yyyy
$sourcefolder = "\server\c$"
New-PSDrive -Name Map -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $sourcefolder
$file = “Map:\teste.txt”
Copy-Item $file -Destination (New-Item "C:$date" -Type container -Force) -Force
cd c:\ #make sure you are not on Map: drive
Remove-PSDrive Map
When i do this im out of errors, but it copies the txt to partition C of the server… not mine partition C in local machine.
What can i do about it?
When forming new folder you get a double ‘\’ in middle of path:
New-Item "$destfolder\$date\"
Your code produces : \mypc\d$\04.11.2015\
Why don’t you form a destination folder earlier, before copy-item command?
Also you are using network path to access your local drive? Use just local drive.
$destfolder = "D:\"+$date+"\"
Your whole code should look like this and should be executed on your PC not server!
$date = Get-Date -Format dd.MM.yyyy
$sourcefolder = "\\server\c$\"
$destfolder = "D:\"+$date+"\"
New-Item $destfolder -Type container -Force
New-PSDrive -Name Map -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $sourcefolder
$file = "Map:\test.txt"
Copy-Item $file -Destination $destfolder -Force
cd c:\ #make sure you are not on Map: drive
Remove-PSDrive Map
Hi Lauras, when i execute that code i get this error:
Is not possible find the path ‘Map:\test.txt’ because he doesnt exists.
- CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Map:\test.txt:String) [Copy-Ite
m], ItemNotFoundException
- FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.CopyI
I was missing the path… But now the problem is: in my pc the partition is C, like server. So when i put $destfolder = “C:"+$date+”" it copies the “test.txt” to server’s HD. What can i do?
stop using double quotes around paths like \c$\ and all be ok, the $ allowed characters, but you need to use single quotes it you not need valiables in paths or mask it with `.
for example if $date=‘2015-11-05’', then
c:$date' is c:$date\ and "c:$date" is c:\2015-11-05\
get-help about_Quoting_Rules
i’ve done but still copying the files to the same directory in the server. I just want to copy the files from the \server\c$\ to my pc in c:$date … how can i do this?
I think that the problem is the name of partitions. Both server and local have the same name of partition(C:). So when i copy from server to C:\ it thinks that im copying to the own C of the server. Am i wrong?
it cant be so difficult like that…
Thanks, anyway!
But i need to use credentials to log in that Server, so i’m using invoke-command to call the script. Can u put this in script code?
Here is full script with credentials:
$date = Get-Date -Format dd.MM.yyyy
$sourcefolder = '\\server\c$\'
$destfolder = 'D:\'+$date+'\'
New-Item $destfolder -Type container -Force
$credentials = Get-Credential -UserName "domain\username" -Message "Enter Password:"
New-PSDrive -Name Map -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $sourcefolder -Credential $credentials
$file = 'Map:\test.txt'
Copy-Item $file -Destination $destfolder -Force
cd c:\ #make sure you are not on Map: drive
Remove-PSDrive Map
if you use Invoke-Comand -Computername Server to start Copy-Item, than for that command the server is local, and your computer is remote!
but by default remotely executed command have only local acccess, so you can’t just do
Invoke-Command -Computername server -Credentials $cred -Command { $date = (Get-Date).ToString(‘yyyy-MM-dd’); Copy-Item C:\Backup.zip “\yourComputer\backup$date” }
where \yourcomputer\backup is shared c:\baclup folder.
so you can use CredSSP Authentication or New-PSDrive as Lauras suggest
Thanks for the answers! So can i just ` Invoke-Command -Computername server -Credentials $cred -Command { $date = (Get-Date).ToString(‘yyyy-MM-dd’); Copy-Item C:\Backup.zip “\yourComputer\backup$date” } `
where \yourcomputer\backup is shared c:\baclup folder. <- I dont want to share my backup folder because it's not safe at all, right? So what can i do? And my local machine is mapped on the server, does it make easier?
Or must i use the CredSSP Authentication or New-PSDrive?
using c$ share is not safer than shared folder with properly assigned credentials
I think the most safer and simple method is make properly secured shared folder (backup$ for example) on your server
and just use this code sample on your computer
$date = (Get-Date).ToString(‘yyyy-MM-dd’)
Copy-Item \server\backup$\backup.zip c:\bakup$date
or start opposite version on \server by task scheduler
$date = (Get-Date).ToString(‘yyyy-MM-dd’)
Copy-Item c:\bakup\backup.zip \backupcomputer\backup$$date
this variant includes creation of properly secured backup$ folder on your backup computer
any variant usable without any special manipulations with remoting
the key part - create shared folder and set access credentials so remote computer(user) can read it