Sent item track

Hello guys,
Need help one more time.
this is the script i am running to get All the Sent items for specific time proud.

Get-TransportServer | Get-MessageTrackingLog -EventId Send -Start "$startDateFormatted 00:00:00" -End "$endDateFormatted 23:59:59" -resultsize unlimited 

This script is working fine. but i would like to know the Specific Domain name sent items. or i would like to know what is the total sent item for internal.
Say as example my domain is i would like to know what is the total sent items for to (Total Sent items only). Please advise how to do this.
Thank you looking forward.

Assuming your output has a Domain property, you would use Group-Object:

$obj = @()
$obj += [pscustomobject]@{Date=(Get-Date);Domain="";Sender="John";}
$obj += [pscustomobject]@{Date=(Get-Date);Domain="";Sender="Lisa";}
$obj += [pscustomobject]@{Date=(Get-Date);Domain="";Sender="Lisa";}
$obj += [pscustomobject]@{Date=(Get-Date);Domain="";Sender="John";}

$obj | Group-Object -Property Domain -NoElement


Count Name                     
----- ----                     

Thanks for your reply,

This is my Script

$nl = [Environment]::NewLine
#Mailbox to gather stats on
#Get todays date twice
$domain= ""
#Subtract 1 day from todays date (report ending day) and 7 days from todays date (report starting day)
#Who to send the e-mail report to.
#Multiple e-mail addresses should be in this format ", "
$emailFrom = ""
$emailTo = ""
$subject = "Monthly e-mail report for $domain for $startDateFormatted - $endDateFormatted"
$smtpServer = ""
# Sent e-mails
#$sendCount = Get-TransportServer | Get-MessageTrackingLog -Start "$startDateFormatted 00:00:00" -End "$endDateFormatted 23:59:59" -Sender $mailbox -resultsize unlimited | select-object -unique MessageId
$sendCount = Get-TransportServer | Get-MessageTrackingLog -EventId Send -Start "$startDateFormatted 00:00:00" -End "$endDateFormatted 23:59:59" -resultsize unlimited
#$sendCount = Get-TransportServer | Get-MessageTrackingLog -EventId Send -Start "03/14/2016 00:00:00" -End "04/14/2016 23:59:59" -resultsize unlimited
# Received e-mails - This works but not on generic accounts
#$receiveCount = Get-TransportServer | Get-MessageTrackingLog -Start "$startDateFormatted 00:00:00" -End "$endDateFormatted 23:59:59" -Recipients $mailbox -resultsize unlimited | select-object -unique MessageId
$sendCountString = $sendCount.count

So this will give me Total Count of all the Sent items.
but i would like to know only my domain to my domain sent items.
such as , from * to *
please advise.