I have 2 txt files in a have a mailing list and other files have several records.
The goal goes through search the txt file that has records the email that is in the txt file that has the list of emails and return some records.
Right now I’m doing the search for mail (‘@’) in the document of record. And I’m not able to do the search based on an existing list in another txt file.
Hi Ricardo,
Here is a solution you could try.
I created a small text file called mail.txt and added the 3 lines for testing:
I created a small regular expression to search on the symbol ‘@’. The metacharacter \b is an anchor. It matches at a position that is called a “word boundary”. This match is zero-length.
Here is the regular expression:
[regex]$regex = '\b@\b'
I then used the ‘select-string’ cmdlet. The Select-String cmdlet searches for text and text patterns in input strings and files. You can use it like Grep in UNIX and Findstr in Windows. (from get-help select-string)
So putting it altogether and getting a clean output I created a PS Object to display the results. Here is the code:
[regex]$regex = '\b@\b'
Select-String $regex C:\temp\mail.txt |
ForEach {
$fileName = $_.Path
ForEach($match in $_.Matches) {
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
FileName = $fileName
Value = $_.line
LineNumber = $_.LineNumber
Matched_On = $_.Matches
LineNumber Matched_On FileName Value
---------- ---------- -------- -----
1 {@} C:\temp\mail.txt graham.beer@outlook.com
3 {@} C:\temp\mail.txt test@test.com
Where I have ‘C:\temp\mail.txt’, change this to your file location.
Hope this helps.
Hi Graham Beer,
At the moment I have this code:
$files = Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\ricardo.braganca\Desktop\NEW\EDPC*.txt"
$devolvidos = "C:\Users\ricardo.braganca\Desktop\NEW\devolvidos.txt"
$folder = "C:\Users\ricardo.braganca\Desktop\NEW\dados*.txt"
$count = $null
$match = "C:\Users\ricardo.braganca\Desktop\NEW\match.txt"
switch -Regex -File $files.fullname
'MAI000' {$count++;Write-Verbose "Group $count found" -Verbose}
'^FE|^01' { $_ |Add-Content -Path "C:\Users\ricardo.braganca\Desktop\NEW\dados$($count).txt" }
'MAIFIM' {continue}
Get-ChildItem -path $folder -Recurse |
ForEach-Object {
Get-Content $devolvidos | ForEach-Object {
$names1_Line = $_
Get-Content $folder | Where-Object { $_.contains($names1_line)}|
Out-File -FilePath $match -Append
The problem is that I’m not able to get the full contents of the files that meet the conditions. I am just getting the lines which have email. what should I do?
Not sure I fully understand. Are you not looking for the @ symbol to pull out all the e-mail address ?
Can you give me a sample of your text file so I can take a look ?
Hp Graham,
I have 1 txt file with for e.g.:
And I have anotar with for e.g. :
FE | 123456 | MAI000| 6582 |
FE | 123456 | 6582 |Pokemon@hotmail.com
FE | 123456 | MAIFIM|
FE | 456789 | MAI00 | 6582 |
FE | 123456 | 6582 |POTATOS@.com
FE | 456789 | MAFIM |
the objective is with mail existing in first txt file search in second to find a marcha mail and return this:
FE | 123456 | MAI000| 6582 |
FE | 123456 | 6582 |Pokemon@hotmail.com
FE | 123456 | MAIFIM|
At this moment i managed to get
FE | 123456 | 6582 |Pokemon@hotmail.com
I hoje tais explanation Washington Bettencourt.
Hi Graham,
Sorry for my previous post is the fault of the Portuguese smart smartphone writing,
I have 1 txt file with for e.g.:
And I have anotar with for e.g. :
FE | 123456 | MAI000| 6582 |
FE | 123456 | 6582 |Pokemon@hotmail.com
FE | 123456 | MAIFIM|
FE | 456789 | MAI00 | 6582 |
FE | 123456 | 6582 |POTATOS@.com
FE | 456789 | MAFIM |
the objective is with mail existing in first txt file search in second to find a marcha mail and return this:
FE | 123456 | MAI000| 6582 |
FE | 123456 | 6582 |Pokemon@hotmail.com
FE | 123456 | MAIFIM|
At this moment i managed to get
FE | 123456 | 6582 |Pokemon@hotmail.com
I hope this explanation was better.
So from the E-mail address you want to get the number in the second column and display all matching to that number ?
Yes, that’s it. In the code I presented before I was to divide the various records in blocks starting at MAI000 and end in MAIFIM and each block was stored in a different txt file . Then makes the comparison that has txt this email. If you have email that is on the first txt file goal is to return the block.
So far I’m only able to return the the line containing the email e not the entire block.
So my two files contain the below:
FE | 123456 | MAI000| 6582 |
FE | 123456 | 6582 |Pokemon@hotmail.com
FE | 123456 | MAIFIM|
FE | 456789 | MAI00 | 6582 |
FE | 123456 | 6582 |POTATOS@.com
FE | 456789 | MAFIM |
Now use the below code:
$eMail = get-content 'C:\temp\PS Testing\mail.txt'
$main = get-content 'C:\temp\PS Testing\Main.txt'
foreach ($address in $eMail) {
$main | Select-String -Pattern $address -Context 1,1
So capture each text file contents in a variable, using get-content.
Use a foreach to get each e-mail address in e-mail text file ($address which is an empty variable), $address in $email.
pipe the main text file to select-string, passing the pattern, which in our case is each e-mail address. The -context option allows you to select lines above and below the found object. I used 1,1 which is 1 line above and 1 below, displaying :
FE | 123456 | MAI000| 6582 |
> FE | 123456 | 6582 |Pokemon@hotmail.com
FE | 123456 | MAIFIM|
That help ?
This helps but there is a small problem for “-context” work is necessary that the block has only three lines but the block vary the context does not work because it does not guarantee that I will return the complete block .