Hey there, My corp has a script that is supposed to all the disabled accounts after 90 days in a certain OU along with deleting their mailbox… the mailbox gets deleted but the AD useraccount does not get deleted. There is no real error output that i can tell.
Im not real involved with PS. only at a superficial level. If you see any glaring problem would be much apprecated.
Add PowerShell Snap-Ins as Required
if ( (Get-Module -Name ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ){
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ){
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Powershell.Support -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ){
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Powershell.Support
$Date = get-date -F MM-dd-yyyy
$TermDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-90)
$StageDate = Get-Date $TermDate -format yyyyMMdd
$StagingAccountOU = “OU=StagedTerms,OU=Disabled,OU=RELS Users,DC=llc,DC=com”
$StagingShareRoot = ‘\Fileserver01\e$\StagedTerms’
$EmailRecipients = ‘admins@corp.com’
#Setup Log file
$RunTime=get-date -uformat “%Y-%m-%d-%H%M”
$logfilename=“…\Logs\AD-DeleteUsers-” + $RunTime + “.txt”
write-host "Logging output to file " + $logfilename
write-output “### Start of AD Delete Termed Users Script ###” | out-file -append $logfilename
$UserList = @(Get-ADUser -SearchBase $StagingAccountOU -SearchScope OneLevel -Filter {(businessCategory -le $StageDate) -and (businessCategory -like “*”) -and (enabled -eq $False)} -Properties businessCategory)
write-host “Number of accounts to process:” $UserList.count
write-output (“Number of accounts to process:”+ $UserList.count ) | out-file -append $logfilename
foreach ($User in $UserList){
write-host “Processing Account:”$User.SAMAccountName
write-output (“Processing Account:”+ $User.SAMAccountName ) | out-file -append $logfilename
$Userid = $User.SAMAccountName
# Make note of user account name and status
$email = $email + "`n$Userid has been disabled for 90+ days"
# Identify P:\ Drive in StagedTerms folder structure
$UserDir = Get-Item $StagingShareRoot\$Userid -EA 0 -EV +X
if (!!$Userdir){
#Delete User data if exists
Remove-Item -Force $UserDir -recurse -EA 0 -EV +X
if ($lastexitcode -ne 1){
$email = $email + "`n `a Deleted $StagingShareRoot\$User"
} else {
$email = $email + "`n `a ERROR: Could not delete $StagingShareRoot\$User folder does not exist"
$UserDir = $null
} else {
$email = $email + "`n `a $X"
# Delete Exchange Mailbox & User Account
#Moved to Stage 2 1/25/2013 Remove-Mailbox -Identity $User -Confirm:$false
Remove-ADUser -Identity $User -Confirm:$false
$email = $email + "`n `a Removed Account and Exchange Mailbox for $User"