Script for finding servers that are not logged on

Hello! Could someone please help me with a script for finding servers that has not been accessed during the last 6 months?
I must be able to exclude service users. There are so many servers in my company so we will figure this out. Appreciate any help.

Using the Search-ADAccount cmdlets which is part of the Active Directory PowerSHell module installed via the Remote Server Administration Tools you can discover inactive computer and user accounts.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# Generic call using defaults
Search-ADAccount -AccountInactive -ComputersOnly

# All computer accounts that have no activity for the last 365 days
Search-ADAccount -AccountInactive -ComputersOnly -TimeSpan 365.00:00:00

Source: How do I find orphaned computer objects in Active Directory using PowerShell? - Server Fault

Not sure if this is what you’re after, but if you’re looking for interactive logons by users, as opposed to authentications by service accounts you could use the user profile information. Assuming you have a list of servers to loop through you could do something like this to get the age of the most recently accessed user profile. Of course this doesn’t take into account active and valid servers doing server stuff with no user logons, but it’s something:

$Scriptblock = {
    $lastaccessdate = Get-CimInstance win32_userprofile | sort-object -property lastusetime -descending | select -first 1 | select -expandproperty lastusetime
    $ServerAccessAge = $(get-date) - $lastaccessdate
    write-output $ServerAccessAge
$servercred = get-credential
$serverlist = get-content c:\scripts\serverlist.txt

foreach ($server in $Serverlist){
    $ServerAccessAge = invoke-command -ComputerName $Server -Credential $servercred -ScriptBlock $Scriptblock
    if ($ServerAccessAge.days -gt 90){
        new-object psobject -Property @{
            Server = $Server
            Age = $ServerAccessAge

Source: Use PowerShell to Find Detailed Windows Profile Information - Scripting Blog