I’ve written this script to look at an application passed to the function, find the CIID number from the classname ‘SMS_Application’, pass it to the classname SMS_AppDependenceRelation to find the CIID’s assigned to the application, then pass back to ‘SMS_Application’ to obtain the application dependent names.
Please with the way i approached this and overall happy with the script itself.
Any areas i could improve on ? The feedback is helpful for my learning.
function get-application_dependencies { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string]$Application ) Begin { #Set arguments to find CIID from CIM $Arguements = @{ Namespace = "root\SMS\site_AAC" ClassName = "SMS_Application" } } Process { #Get CCID number from 'SMS_Application' classname for specified application to pass to "SMS_AppDependenceRelation" classname [int]$CIID = Get-CimInstance @Arguements | where { $PSItem.LocalizedDisplayName -eq $Application } | Sort-Object CIVersion | Select -ExpandProperty CI_ID -last 1 #If the application has more than one revison this will use the last and active one #Pass CCID number to query SMS_AppDependenceRelation to find Application Dependencies. Create Custom Objects to use in foreach block $list = [pscustomobject](Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\SMS\site_AAC -ClassName SMS_AppDependenceRelation).where{($PSItem.FromApplicationCIID -eq $CIID)} #All CI_IDs that is collated from 'FromApplicationCCID' pass through foreach block to get application name of the dependencies foreach ($l in $list.ToApplicationCIID) { Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\SMS\site_AAC -ClassName SMS_Application | where {$PSItem.CI_ID -eq $l} | #Results select @{name="Application Dependencies for $Application";expression={$PSItem.LocalizedDisplayName}} } } End { #Will display results } }#End of Function