Save output to a notepad in mentioned location(As logging)

by rkadwad at 2013-03-25 23:02:51

Hi ALl,

I have below script which check the URL and send the Mail if its down. Here i want to save the output to notepad when each time it run. Can anybody please help.

function siteupdown{
## Display Help
if (($Args[0] -eq "-?") -or ($Args[0] -eq "-help")) {
"Usage: SysinternalsSiteTest.ps1 -alert
<address> -log"
" -alert
<address> Send e-mail alerts"
" -log Log results"
"Example: SysinternalsSiteTest.ps1 -alert -log"

## Create the variables
$global:GArgs = $Args

$urlsToTest = @{}
$urlsToTest["SP2010"] = "http://sp2010/Pages/default.aspx&quot;
## Add more URLs for monidoting **Note URL cannot be rediriecting urls.
#$urlsToTest["TechNet Redirect"] = ";
#$urlsToTest["Sysinternals Home"] = ";
#$urlsToTest["Sysinternals Forum"] = ""
#$urlsToTest["Sysinternals Blog"] = "Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
#$urlsToTest["Sysinternals Downloads"] = ";

$successCriteria = @{}
$successCriteria["SP2010"] = "press releases"
## Add more success criteria here.
#$successCriteria["TechNet Redirect"] = "Mark Russinovich"
#$successCriteria["Sysinternals Home"] = "Mark Russinovich"
#$successCriteria["Sysinternals Forum"] = "Sysinternals Utilities"
#$successCriteria["Sysinternals Blog"] = "Sysinternals Site Discussion"
#$successCriteria["Sysinternals Downloads"] = "ntfsinfo.exe"

## Set Username Password and domain here
$Username = ‘be’
$Password = ‘password!!!1’
$Domain = ‘gen’

## sets up the call
$webClient = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$webClient.credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Username, $Password, $Domain)

foreach ($key in $urlsToTest.Keys) {
$alert = $false
$output = ""

$startTime = get-date
$output = $webClient.DownloadString($urlsToTest[$key])
$endTime = get-date

if ($output -like $successCriteria[$key]) {
$key + "ttSuccesstt" + $startTime.DateTime + "tt" + ($endTime - $startTime).TotalSeconds + " seconds"

if ($GArgs -eq "-log") {
$key + "ttSuccesstt" + $startTime.DateTime + "tt" + ($endTime - $startTime).TotalSeconds + " seconds" >> WebSiteTest.log
} else {
$key + "ttFailtt" + $startTime.DateTime + "tt" + ($endTime - $startTime).TotalSeconds + " seconds"
$alert = $true
if ($GArgs -eq "-log") {
$key + "ttFailtt" + $startTime.DateTime + "tt" + ($endTime - $startTime).TotalSeconds + " seconds" >> WebSiteTest.log
$alert = $true

if ($alert -eq $true) {
Write-Host "Sending Email"
## Set email settings Below. $emailFrom, $EmailTo, $smtpServer
$emailFrom = ""
$emailTo = ""
$subject = "URL Test Failure - " + $startTime
$body = "URL Test Failure: " + $key + " (" + $urlsToTest[$key] + ") at " + $startTime
$smtpServer = ""
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
## Makes the script run forever.
for ($i -le 5; $i++)
## Change the number, to change check site interval. 1 = 1 seconds, 30 = 30 seconds, etc…
sleep 30;
by mjolinor at 2013-03-26 05:33:14
The question is a little ambiguous. Are you wanting to save the ouput from the website, or the output from the script?
If you’re wanting to save the output from the script, and are doing write-host, then you probably should look at start-transcript.
by rkadwad at 2013-03-26 09:43:06
I want to save the output from the script. It should record the output when each time script runs without overwritten. As i am newbie to this world could you please post me the script which can do the above said operation with below script
by mjolinor at 2013-03-26 11:38:53
run this:

get-help start-transcript -full

Read everything it displays, and then see if you can incorporate that information into the script.
Let me know if you cannot figure out how to make that work.
I believe you’ll find it’s not as difficult as you’re imagining.