Save edited datagrid to xml file

Hi all,

Unfortunately I’m double posting this item on two websites, sorry for that but I realy need this to work and I’m breaking my head on this matter.
Link to Stackoverflow:

Below is my latest code, the link above is for refference.

I’ve created a dataset and this set is showed in the grid. The only thing that still doesn’t work, is save the grid to a variable or directly to the XML file when the button is pressed. And I hope someone could tell or show me how I can get the values of the datagrid back to the dataset and save the set in the XML file. I know that saving the set could be done trough $dt.WriteXML(“xmlfile.xml”)

Link to XML and WPF XAML Pastebin

Script to populate grid with dataset

$dt = New-Object "System.Data.DataTable" "DatacopyGrid"
ForEach ($Row in $Setting.Setting.Datacopy.Row) { $dt.Rows.Add(@($Row.Source,$Row.Destination)) }
$DatacopyGrid.ItemsSource = $dt.DefaultView
$DatacopyGrid.CanUserAddRows = $True
$DatacopyGrid.CanUserDeleteRows = $True 
$DatacopyGrid.IsReadOnly = $False
    $DatacopyGrid.Rows | select -expand DataBoundItem

I’ve tried to pull the values from the grid with:

$dt.Items | %{


But non of the variables return anything…

Hope to hear and thanks again!

Regards, Paul

Nobody that can help?

PS D:\> $dt = New-Object "System.Data.DataTable" "DatacopyGrid"
PS D:\> [void]$dt.Columns.Add("Source")
PS D:\> [void]$dt.Columns.Add("Destination")
PS D:\> [void]$dt.Rows.Add('S1','D1')
PS D:\> [void]$dt.Rows.Add('S2','D2')
PS D:\> $dt

Source Destination
------ -----------
S1     D1
S2     D2
PS D:\> $dt.Rows[0]

Source Destination
------ -----------
S1     D1

PS D:\> $dt.Rows[1]

Source Destination
------ -----------
S2     D2

PS D:\> $dt.Rows[1].Source
PS D:\> $dt.Rows[1].Destination

DataTable class doesn’t have Items or Tables property
RTFM, pls :slight_smile:

Hi @Max Kozlov,

I’m just a beginner and the datatable was just a hopeless try to get the data returned after I pushed the Ok button. I’ve tried at least three differtent ways to get the data out. And I can’t get it to work. This thing is bugging me for three weeks now…

The thing I’m trying to create is a object in the $button.add_click{} that can be returned to the script later on so that I can get the values and save them to the XML file.

Thanks for your reply though :slight_smile: