I am trying to list the number of times servers have been restarted.
I can log inot each server and run the following comand to get the information for each server:
Get-EventLog System | Where-Object {$.EventID -eq “1074” -or $.EventID -eq “6008” -or $_.EventID -eq “1076”} | ft Machinename, TimeWritten, UserName, EventID, Message -AutoSize -Wrap >c:\scripts\Restart.txt
I am trying to create a script that I can run against a text file, that contains a list of all the servers.
I have tried to create the script but it does not work:
$ServerList = Get-Content “C:\Scripts\ServerList.txt”
foreach ($i in $ServerList)
{$i + "`n" + "=========================="; Get-EventLog System | Where-Object {$_.EventID -eq "1074" -or $_.EventID -eq "6008" -or $_.EventID -eq "1076"} | ft Machinename, TimeWritten, UserName, EventID -AutoSize | Out-File c:\scripts\ServerRestart.txt $i}
Could you help me will this?
What I would like is for all servers to be added to the same text file.
Many Thanks
Do your servers have PSRemoting enabled?
How many servers are we talking about?
Can you access all these servers in the same security context?
What version of PowerShell are you running?
Hi, what Bob said is right, but you were nearly there already, provided your security allows it:
$ServerList = Get-Content "C:\Scripts\ServerList.txt"
foreach ($i in $ServerList){
Write-Output $i "`n"+"==========================" | Out-File -FilePath c:\scripts\ServerRestart.txt -Append
$Output = Get-EventLog System -ComputerName "$i" | Where-Object {$_.EventID -eq "1074" -or $_.EventID -eq "6008" -or $_.EventID -eq "1076"} | ft Machinename, TimeWritten, UserName, EventID -AutoSize
$Output | Out-File -FilePath c:\scripts\ServerRestart.txt -Append
PSRemoting is not currently enabled - Will emable
There are 85 Server in two domains
The script will be run on a DC on each domain so can use two sets of user credentials
I am currently upgrade all server to v3
Thank you for your help.
After enabling PSRemoting on the servers the script ran perfectly!!
I am trying to add the message to the output file and I get
Server01.Domain.Local 22/05/2015 17:18:44 Domain\admin 1076 The reason supplied by user Domain\admin for the last unexpected shutdown of this computer is: Other (Unplanned)…
I have added:
if( $Host -and $Host.UI -and $Host.UI.RawUI ) {
$rawUI = $Host.UI.RawUI
$oldSize = $rawUI.BufferSize
$typeName = $oldSize.GetType( ).FullName
$newSize = New-Object $typeName (500, $oldSize.Height)
$rawUI.BufferSize = $newSize
to the begining of the script but this does not make any difference.
Any ideas?
Jules, are you wanting it to not concatenate the end of the sentence there? “Other (Unplanned)…”
If so:
$ServerList = Get-Content "C:\Scripts\ServerList.txt"
foreach ($i in $ServerList){
Write-Output $i "`n"+"==========================" | Out-File -FilePath c:\scripts\ServerRestart.txt -Append
$Output = Get-EventLog System -ComputerName "$i" | Where-Object {$_.EventID -eq "1074" -or $_.EventID -eq "6008" -or $_.EventID -eq "1076"} | ft Machinename, TimeWritten, UserName, EventID, Message -AutoSize -Wrap
$Output | Out-File -FilePath c:\scripts\ServerRestart.txt -Append
I added the -Wrap parameter. That’s if you wanted it formatted as a table in-line. Typically I create objects first before formatting them, but this should work for you.
Edit: Oops, forgot to add the Message object there. Fixed. 
I am looking for it to be a single line. I would like to be about a export the txt to a database or spreadsheet at a late point.
If it wraps then the file cannot be imported.
If you plan to use it in a database or spreadsheet then you should probably have it delimited in some way. Easiest is to export as a csv. See if this will work for you:
$ServerList = Get-Content "C:\Scripts\ServerList.txt"
foreach ($i in $ServerList){
Write-Output $i "`n"+"==========================" | Out-File -FilePath c:\scripts\ServerRestart.txt -Append
$Events = Get-EventLog System -ComputerName "$i" | Where-Object {$_.EventID -eq "1074" -or $_.EventID -eq "6008" -or $_.EventID -eq "1076"} | Select-Object MachineName, TimeWritten, UserName, EventID, Message
$Events | Export-Csv -Path c:\scripts\ServerRestart.txt -Append -NoTypeInformation
Note** You will need to delete/rename your current ServerRestart.txt file as it won’t have the correct headers.
BTW, I don’t get why enabling remoting made your script run perfectly, because there was no remoting used… If you want to speed things up a little bit, you can actually start using remoting:
$ServerList = Get-Content "C:\Scripts\ServerList.txt"
$block = {Get-EventLog System | Where-Object {$_.EventID -eq "1074" -or $_.EventID -eq "6008" -or $_.EventID -eq "1076"} | ft Machinename, TimeWritten, UserName, EventID, Message -AutoSize -Wrap }
foreach ($Server in $ServerList){
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Server -ScriptBlock $block -AsJob
While (Get-Job -State "Running") {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Running..."
Start-Sleep 1
Get-Job| Receive-Job |Out-File C:\scripts\ServerRestart.txt
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Done!"
Obviously you can change the Out-File statement to an Export-Csv statement as Joshua mentions as well 
PS: I felt the need to put this in a blogpost too