I have a script that will be used to reset permissions and I am having a problem only with one icacls command. Everything else works like a charm, this one just doesn’t: &$cmdSetUserFullPerms which is set as $cmdSetUserFullPerms = “icacls " + '”’ + $usershareParent + ‘"’ + " /grant " + ‘"’ + $username + ‘"’ + “:F”
I’ve played around a few times and can’t get it to work. Below is the entire script:
# Reset Permissions
# Test for subinacl application
if (-not (test-path c:\ResetSharePermissions\subinacl.exe))
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("ERROR: Missing 'C:\ResetSharePermissions\subinacl.exe'
Install file and rerun script")
$subinaclExists = "yes"
# Test for usernames.csv file
if (-not (test-path c:\ResetSharePermissions\usernames.csv))
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("ERROR: Missing 'C:\ResetSharePermissions\usernames.csv'
Add missing file and rerun script")
$usernamesExists = "yes"
# --------------------------------------------------
#Validate two files exist and run script
if ($usernamesExists -eq "yes" -And $subinaclExists -eq "yes")
# --------------------------------------------------
# Prompt for share path
$sharepath = Read-Host -Prompt "Input path name
ex: c:\users\ or \\servername\share\subfolder\
Ensure to include \ at the end of your path."
# Create variable to test for last backslash '\' in share path
$a=$a.substring($a.length -1, 1)
# Add missing backslash from end of path
if ($a -ne "\")
$sharepath = $sharepath + "\"
# --------------------------------------------------
# Get current Date-Time
$dte = get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd_HHmm
"*******************************************************" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"****Starting to reset permissions: " + $dte >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"*******************************************************" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"****Inputed Share Path: " + $sharepath >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
# Import csv of users using usernames (***NOTE: Usernames must match folder names for this to work***)
$list = Import-Csv C:\ResetSharePermissions\usernames.csv
# --------------------------------------------------
# Loop through each username in csv
foreach ($entry in $list)
# Set new variables
$dte = get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd_HHmm
"*******************************************************" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"****Processing user '" + $($entry.username) + "' starting at: " + $dte >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"*******************************************************" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
$username = $($entry.username)
$usershareParent = "$sharepath$($entry.username)"
$cmdSetUserFullPerms = "icacls " + '"' + $usershareParent + '"' + " /grant " + '"' + $username + '"' + ":F"
$usershareParent = '"' + $usershareParent + '"'
$usershareSubfolder1 = "$sharepath$($entry.username)\*.*"
$usershareSubfolder1 = '"' + $usershareSubfolder1 + '"'
$usershareSubfolder2 = "$sharepath$($entry.username)\*"
$usershareSubfolder2 = '"' + $usershareSubfolder2 + '"'
"sharepath $sharepath" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"username $username" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"usershareparent $usershareparent" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"usersharesubfolder1 $usersharesubfolder1" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"usersharesubfolder2 $usersharesubfolder2" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
# Add '> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"****Set Administrators as owner for parent folder" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\subinacl.exe' /file $usershareParent /setowner=Administrators >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"-------------------------------------------------------" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"****Set Administrators as owner on subfolders" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\subinacl.exe' /subdirectories $usershareSubfolder1 /setowner=Administrators >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"-------------------------------------------------------" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"****Remove inheritance on all subfolders" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
& icacls $usershareSubfolder2 /inheritance:r /T >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"-------------------------------------------------------" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"****Remove inheritance on parent folder" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
& icacls $usershareParent /inheritance:r /T >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"-------------------------------------------------------" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"****Grant Administrators Full permissions on parent folder" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
& icacls $usershareParent /grant Administrators:F /t /c /Q >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"-------------------------------------------------------" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"****Grant SYSTEM Full permissions on parent folder" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
& icacls $usershareParent /grant SYSTEM:F /t /c /Q >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"-------------------------------------------------------" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"****Grant " + $username + " Full permissions on parent folder" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"COMMMAND: " + $cmdSetUserFullPerms >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
&$cmdSetUserFullPerms >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
#& icacls "z:\test1" /grant test1:F /t /c /Q >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"-------------------------------------------------------" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"****Set inheritance on all subfolders" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
& icacls $usershareSubfolder2 /inheritance:e /T >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"-------------------------------------------------------" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"****Processing Complete for user " + $username + " ending at " + $dte >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
#End of user processing loop
"*******************************************************" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
"****SHARE PERMISSIONS SCRIPT COMPLETED" >> "c:\ResetSharePermissions\ResetSharePermissions.log" 2>&1
#Rename log file
cd c:\ResetSharePermissions
rename-item ResetSharePermissions.log -newname ("ResetSharePermissions_" + $dte + ".log")
I can run: icacls “z:\test1” /grant test1:F /t /c /Q and it works just fine but the icacls line with /inheritance runs fine in the script.
This is what I get as an error:
The term ‘icacls “z:\test1” /grant “test1”:F’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check th
e spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At \chartwellfile\View_UserData\administrator\desktop\ResetSharePermissions.ps1:100 char:18
& <&1
- CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (icacls “z:\test1” /grant “test1”:F:String) , CommandNotFoundException
- FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
Thank you,