Run wmic across forest DC's > dump to csv

If I can find all my DC’s across the forest thus:

foreach ($domain in ((get-adforest).domains)) { get-addomaincontroller -filter * -server $domain 
| sort hostname  | select -Property hostname }

…and I have this one-liner to get all installed qfe’s, locally:

wmic qfe list full /format:texttablewsys > patches.txt

…how can I leverage Powershell to dump all DCs info to an inventory collection, all in one file?

Would it be something like

Invoke-Command -Session $dc -ScriptBlock {wmic qfe list full /format:texttablewsys > patches.txt}

I’m getting warmer with this:

$DCs = foreach ($domain in ((get-adforest).domains)) { get-addomaincontroller -filter * -server $domain `
| sort hostname  | select -Property hostname }

$dc = New-PSSession -ComputerName $DCs -Credential $creds

Invoke-Command -Session $dc -ScriptBlock {wmic qfe list full } | Out-File C:\temp\compliance\AllDC_patches.csv

but 1) I’m doing something wrong with the $dc -computername parameter (my $DCs variable does contain FQDN strings of my DCs)
and 2) The outfile isn’t pretty, but does give me the wmic data.

Thank you,

Hey Jeff–

If you change the Property parameter in your select statement to ExpandProperty, your $DCs variable will work.

As it is, $DCs would look like this if you return it to the console:


Using the -ExpandProperty variable your $DCs variable would be just a flat array instead of a generic object with a single property:

You would need to do another foreach loop such as foreach ($name in $DCs.hostname) in order for your current variable to work. Using the -ExpandProperty parameter will make DCs an array of names, without the need to call a specific property from the variable.

wmic should be avoided as it was deprecated in Server 2012. Use the CIM cmdlets instead

Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_QuickFixEngineering

wmic qfe is accessing the same class under the hood

Hi Matt,

the -expandProperty was the key and thanks. Along with Richard’s suggestion for Get-CimInstance, I was able to get much better formatting, able to use export-csv and ultimately select the properties I want displayed.

I didn’t need to run a for-each but will play with that to perhaps get better output. The sorting with what I have is a bit strange as it’s not entirely sequential (wanted: list all DC’s and its qfe’s per domain, then output next Domains’ DC’s)

Revised code:

 $DCs = foreach ($domain in ((get-adforest).domains)) { get-addomaincontroller -filter * -server $domain `
| sort hostname  | select -Property hostname -ExpandProperty hostname }

$dc = New-PSSession -ComputerName $DCs -Credential $creds

Invoke-Command -Session $dc -ScriptBlock {Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_QuickFixEngineering } `
 | Select -Property PSComputerName,HotFixID,InstalledOn,InstalledBy | Export-Csv C:\temp\compliance\AllDC_patches.csv -NoTypeInformation

Thanks to you both


Thank you Richard.