I’m trying to print Status code 200/401 in success and failed scenarios. I tried writing Power Shell Script, My script is working with status code 200. but if I want to failed my Token, `$StatusCode` is not printing 401.
I need some suggestions for print status code in both scenarios passing one parameters.
Here is my Script:
try { if ($response = (Invoke-WebRequest @Params -ErrorAction Stop)){ $Token = (($response.Content) | convertFrom-Json).Token } } catch [System.Net.WebException] { $StatusCode = "Status Code: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__) " ; $Message = " Message: $($_.Exception.Message))" } $StatusCode = "Status Code: $([int]$response.BaseResponse.statusCode)" "
$StatusCode is working for status code 200 only. but I want use same $Statuscode for failed status code 401.
So, $StatusCode should works for 200 and 401 and print accordingly.