[Resolved] export-csv


I have a little problem with a script and export-cvs
no result with this scrip

get-content -Path 'Sw_Ala-PileBureaux.cfg' | foreach-object {
  $UneLigne = $_
    if ($UneLigne.Contains("interface port1.") -or $UneLigne.Contains("interface port2."))
        $interface = $UneLigne
        $interface = $interface.Substring(14)
        Write-Host "Port :" $interface.Trim()

    if ($UneLigne.Contains("description"))
        $description = $UneLigne
        $description = $description.Substring(12)
        Write-Host "Description" : $description.Trim()

    if ($UneLigne.Contains("switchport") -and $UneLigne.Contains("vlan"))
        $vlan = $UneLigne
        $vlandebut = $vlan.LastIndexOfAny("add")
        $vlan = $vlan.Substring($vlandebut + 1)
        Write-Host "Vlan :" $vlan.Trim()

} | export-csv 'Results.csv' -notype

I don’t understand because I use export-csv in other scrip and no problem.

Do you have any idea ?

Write-Host executes direct to the console. Even using Write-Output would just write the string length using Export-Csv (at least in my tests it did). I’d use PSCustomObject to create the table to export.

get-content -Path 'Sw_Ala-PileBureaux.cfg' | foreach-object {
    $UneLigne = $_
      if ($UneLigne.Contains("interface port1.") -or $UneLigne.Contains("interface port2."))
          $interface = $UneLigne
          $interface = $interface.Substring(14)
      if ($UneLigne.Contains("description"))
          $description = $UneLigne
          $description = $description.Substring(12)

      if ($UneLigne.Contains("switchport") -and $UneLigne.Contains("vlan"))
          $vlan = $UneLigne
          $vlandebut = $vlan.LastIndexOfAny("add")
          $vlan = $vlan.Substring($vlandebut + 1)
            Port = $interface.Trim()
            Description = $description.Trim()
            Vlan = $vlan.Trim()

  } | export-csv 'Results.csv' -notype

The Contains operator or Method (as your using) is to determine if something exists in an array:

PS C:\Users\Rob> "one","two" -contains "two"

You should be using the -Like operator with a wildcard:

$UneLigne -like "*interface port1.*" -or $UneLigne -like "*interface port2.*"

That work fine.

Thank you very much