Replace value in an array

Hi everyone

I’m quite new in PowerShell and I would need a little bit of support how to replace values in an array. Please have a look at my example:

[array]$nodes = @()
[array]$nodes = get-NcNode | select-object -property Node, @{Label = “slot”; expression = {@(“a”)*4}}

Node slot
---- ----
nn01 {a,a,a,a}
nn02 {a,a,a,a}
nn03 {a,a,a,a}
nn04 {a,a,a,a}



$nodes[0].slot[0] = “b” #I try to replace a with b

a #It didn’t work

$nodes[0].slot.SetValue(“b”,0) #I try to replace a with b

a #It didn’t work

$nodes[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name slot[0] -Value “b” -Force


Node slot slot[0]
---- ---- -------
nn01 {a,a,a,a} b #That’s not what I wanted