I am trying to write a script that will take the current IP of a machine and switch it’s second octet.
I was thinking of doing this with a split (as I am no good in regex), but I"m unsure how to accomplish what I want.
$currentIP = (get-netipaddress | where-object {$_.interfaceindex -eq 12}).ipaddress
What I was thinking was something like…
$current.split(".")[1] = 193
Also tried the below with no luck
$currentip.split(".").item(1) = "193"
But it doesnt seem that easy…
Say our IP scheme is, it would change it to
Any guidance or a point in the right direction would be appreciated!
for the regex, this worked for me
$current = ''
$num = 193
$current -match '^([^\.]+).[^\.]+.(.*)' | Out-Null
$Matches[1] + ".$num." + $Matches[2]
and here is a function that may contain helpful information, however, you may want to edit it because it changes the ip settings for every ethernet adapter on the device
function Setup-Network {
param (
# check admin rights
$admin = reg query "HKU\S-1-5-19\Environment" 2>&1
if ($admin -match 'denied') { Throw 'You are not admin' }
if (!$dhcp -and !$ip) { Throw 'Must specify IP or DHCP.' }
if ($ip) {
if ($ip -notmatch '(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}') { Throw 'Check IP address format.' }
if (!$mask) { $mask = '' } elseif ($mask -notmatch '(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}') { Throw 'Check Mask format.' }
if (!$gateway) { Write-Warning 'No Gateway specified.' } elseif ($gateway -notmatch '(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}') { Throw 'Check Gateway format.' }
if (!$dns1) { Write-Warning 'No primary DNS specified.' } elseif ($dns1 -notmatch '(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}') { Throw 'Check primary DNS format.' }
if (!$dns2) { Write-Warning 'No secondary DNS specified.' } elseif ($dns2 -notmatch '(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}') { Throw 'Check secondary DNS format.' }
$all = gwmi win32_networkadapter
if ($all | ? {$_.servicename -match '^e1(?:.*)express$'}) {
[array]$ethernet = gwmi win32_networkadapterconfiguration | ? {$_.servicename -match '^e1(?:.*)express$'}
[array]$NetConnectionID = $all | ? {$_.servicename -match '^e1(?:.*)express$'} | % {$_.NetConnectionID}
[array]$InterfaceName = $all | ? {$_.servicename -match '^e1(?:.*)express$'} | % {$_.Name}
} else {
# OR MAYBE: | ? {$_.physicaladapter -and ($_.name -match 'ethernet' -or $_.description -match 'ethernet' -or $_.netconnectionid -match 'ethernet')}
[array]$ethernet = gwmi win32_networkadapterconfiguration | ? {$_.description -notmatch 'wan miniport|microsoft isatap adapter|bluetooth|juniper|ras async adapter|wireless|virtual|apple|miniport|tunnel|debug|advanced-n|wireless-n|ndis'}
[array]$NetConnectionID = $all | ? {$_.description -notmatch 'wan miniport|microsoft isatap adapter|bluetooth|juniper|ras async adapter|wireless|virtual|apple|miniport|tunnel|debug|advanced-n|wireless-n'} | % {$_.NetConnectionID}
[array]$InterfaceName = $all | ? {$_.description -notmatch 'wan miniport|microsoft isatap adapter|bluetooth|juniper|ras async adapter|wireless|virtual|apple|miniport|tunnel|debug|advanced-n|wireless-n'} | % {$_.Name}
if (!$dhcp) {
$static = $ethernet | % {
$_.EnableStatic($ip, $mask)
$NetConnectionID | % {
$null = netsh interface ipv4 set dns name=$_ source=static address=$dns1 primary validate=no
$null = netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver name=$_ address=$dns2 index=2 validate=no
} elseif ($dhcp) {
$NetConnectionID | % {
netsh interface ip set address $_ dhcp
$null = netsh interface ip set dns $_ dhcp
if ($static) {
$ReturnValue = @()
$ReturnValue += $static | % {
Switch ($_.ReturnValue) {
0 { 'Successful completion' }
1 { 'no reboot required' }
64 { 'Successful completion' }
65 { 'reboot required' }
66 { 'Method not supported on this platform' }
67 { 'Unknown failure' }
68 { 'Invalid subnet mask' }
69 { 'An error occurred while processing an Instance that was returned' }
70 { 'Invalid input parameter' }
71 { 'More than 5 gateways specified' }
72 { 'Invalid IP address' }
73 { 'Invalid gateway IP address' }
74 { 'An error occurred while accessing the Registry for the requested information' }
75 { 'Invalid domain name' }
76 { 'Invalid host name' }
77 { 'No primary/secondary WINS server defined' }
78 { 'Invalid file' }
79 { 'Invalid system path' }
80 { 'File copy failed' }
81 { 'Invalid security parameter' }
82 { 'Unable to configure TCP/IP service' }
83 { 'Unable to configure DHCP service' }
84 { 'Unable to renew DHCP lease' }
85 { 'Unable to release DHCP lease' }
86 { 'IP not enabled on adapter' }
87 { 'IPX not enabled on adapter' }
88 { 'Frame/network number bounds error' }
89 { 'Invalid frame type' }
90 { 'Invalid network number' }
91 { 'Duplicate network number' }
92 { 'Parameter out of bounds' }
93 { 'Access denied' }
94 { 'Out of memory' }
95 { 'Already exists' }
96 { 'Path' }
97 { 'file or object not found' }
98 { 'Unable to notify service' }
100 { 'Unable to notify DNS service' }
default { 'Interface not configurable' }
Write-Host ''
foreach ($name in $InterfaceName) {
[string]$dnstype = gwmi win32_networkadapter | ? {$_.description -eq $name} | % {netsh interface ipv4 show dns $_.netconnectionid}
if ($dnstype -match 'static') {
$dns = [Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface]::GetAllNetworkInterfaces() | ? {$_.description -eq $name} | % {$_.GetIPProperties()} | % {$_.dnsaddresses} | % {[string]$_}
} else {
$dns = ''
Write-Host "Name: $name"
Write-Host "IP: $([Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface]::GetAllNetworkInterfaces() | ? {$_.description -eq $name} | % {$_.GetIPProperties()} | % {$_.unicastaddresses} | ? {$_.PrefixOrigin -eq 'Manual' } | % {[string]$_.address})"
Write-Host "Gateway: $([Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface]::GetAllNetworkInterfaces() | ? {$_.description -eq $name} | % {$_.GetIPProperties()} | % {$_.gatewayaddresses} | % {[string]$_.address})"
Write-Host "DHCP: $([Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface]::GetAllNetworkInterfaces() | ? {$_.description -eq $name} | % {$_.GetIPProperties()} | % {$_.dhcpserveraddresses} | % {[string]$_})"
Write-Host "DNS: $dns"
Write-Host ''
$a = ''.Split('.')
$a[1] = 193
$a -join '.'
March 31, 2016, 11:19am
'' -replace '(?<=^\d+\.)\d+(?=\.\d+\.\d+$)', '193'
'' -replace '^(\d+)\.\d+\.(\d+\.\d+)$', '$1.193.$2'
Many ways to skin a cat.
Edit: The forum software is apparently trying to be helpful by inserting a space between the < and = characters. It shouldn’t be there.