Renaming directories within ForEach loop

Hi All,

I have been working on a script to move files based on two parts of their filename. For example I have a directory with 4 folders


within each folder contains 1-4 files that use the following naming convention

M100_Installation Report_yyyymmdd
M100_Service Report_yyyymmdd
M100_Other Documents_yyyymmdd

The script below will create a “M100” directory in the output folder if it does not exist along with an “Install Report” sub folder (and so on for each document type). It will then also move the files into the matching directories.

It is all working. However, I need the sub folder names to be the following

Install Report = Install Reports
Service Report = Service Reports
Specifications = Specifications
Other Documents = Other Doc

I tried adding an if statement to update a variable for each record but could not get it working (its currently commented out)

Any help on this is appreciated!

$dir = "C:\Test Indexed Files\docs to be reviewed"
$output = "C:\Test Indexed Files\output"
Set-Location $dir

$filelist = @(Get-ChildItem -include *.pdf -Recurse -path $dir)

ForEach ($file in $filelist){
    # splits the file
    $folder1 = $file.Name.Split("_")[0]
    $folder2 = $file.Name.Split("_")[1] 
    $folder3 = $file.Name.Split("_")[2]

    #check if folder exists
    Set-Location ($output+'\'+$folder1+'\'+$folder2)

    #create folder if doe snot exist
    if(!$?) {mkdir ($output+'\'+$folder1+'\'+$folder2)}

    #Move files to sub folders
    Move-Item $file.FullName ($output+'\'+$folder1+'\'+$folder2+'\'+$file.Name)

I found the issue with my code and was able to get it working! turns out I had the if/elseif syntax incorrect. Here is my end result.

$dir = "C:\Test Indexed Files\docs to be reviewed"
$output = "C:\Test Indexed Files\output"
Set-Location $dir

$filelist = @(Get-ChildItem -include *.pdf -Recurse -path $dir)

ForEach ($file in $filelist){
    # splits the file
    $folder1 = $file.Name.Split("_")[0]
    $folder2 = $file.Name.Split("_")[1] 
    $folder3 = $file.Name.Split("_")[2]

If ($folder2 -eq "Installation Report") {
    $folder22 = "Install Reports"
ElseIf ($folder2 -eq "Service Report") {
        $folder22 = "Service Reports"
ElseIf ($folder2 -eq "Specifications") {
        $folder22 = "Specifications"
ElseIf ($folder2 -eq "Other Documents") {
        $folder22 = "Other Doc"
Else {

    #check if folder exists
    Set-Location ($output+'\'+$folder1+'\'+$folder22)

    #create folder if doe snot exist
    if(!$?) {mkdir ($output+'\'+$folder1+'\'+$folder22)}

    #Move files to sub folders
    Move-Item $file.FullName ($output+'\'+$folder1+'\'+$folder22+'\'+$file.Name)