Hello, I’m trying to rename files that match values in column one of a csv adding the value in column 3 to the beginning of the file name leaving the rest of the file name intact. Here is what I have so far. I cant seem to figure out the Rename-Item. I get the error “Cannot evaluate parameter ‘NewName’ because its argument is specified as a script block and there is no input.”
# Common Paths $PathRoot = "C:\Temp\HIPAASuite" #Where the files are to rename # Get csv file $ClientAccounts = Import-CSV -path "\\server\some\path\to\csv\file.csv" # Get each file and rename it ForEach($row in $ClientAccounts) { $CurrentClientTaxId = $row[-1].TaxId $CurrentClientName = $row[-1].ClientName #loop through files $FileExists = Test-Path -Path "$PathTotal\*$CurrentClientLB_Number*" #See if there is a file. If ($FileExists -eq $true) #The file does exist. { #ReName File Rename-Item -Path $PathRoot -NewName {$CurrentClientName + " " + $_.name} } }