Rename-Computer; Restart-Computer -wait

#Change Computer Name
Write-Verbose -Message "Changing computer name.  Old name: $ComputerName, New name: $NewComputername" -Verbose
rename-computer -computername $ComputerName -newname $NewComputername -domaincredential $Credential -Force

#Restart Computer
Write-Verbose -Message "Rebooting $ComputerName.  Please wait" -Verbose
Restart-Computer -ComputerName $ComputerName -Force -Wait -Timeout 300
#Test if changing the computername causes the -wait to fail

When the computer is renamed, it has to be rebooted, but once it boots back up it is now using the new name. Is the -wait parameter waiting for the old computer name, then times out? If it is, what is a good way to rename, reboot, wait for the computer to be accessible (WinRM), then continue with the script succesfully?

It would wait for the old name.

Do {
  $keep_going = $false
  Start-Sleep 1000
  Try {
   $session = new-pssession -computer $newcomputername -ea stop
  } Catch {
    $keep_going = $true
} While ($keep_going)

Something along those lines. When you exit the loop, you’ll have a remoting session in $session.

Thank you Don, I modified this some to include a 5 minute timeout then check if $session exists after the loop is exited.

Write-Verbose -Message "Rebooting $ComputerName.  Please wait" -Verbose
Restart-Computer -ComputerName $ComputerName -Force
$count = 0
Do {
  $keep_going = $false
  $count +=1
  Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
  if($count -eq 0 -or ($count % 5) -eq 0){ 
    Write-Verbose -Message "Attempting Connection to $NewComputername" -Verbose
  Try {
   $session = new-pssession -ComputerName $NewComputername -ErrorAction Stop
  } Catch {
    $keep_going = $true
} While ($keep_going -or $count -ge 300)

  Write-Verbose -Message "Connecton Established to $NewComputername"
  Remove-PSSession -Session $session
  Write-Warning -Message "Connecton to $NewComputername failed"