Hello everyone.
I support Office 365 so someone that deals specifically with RemoteSessions, I would appreciate any input!
I have thousands of mailboxes to monitor.
I have encountered issues with throttling from the ‘PowerShell with Exchange Service’ attempting to collect large amounts of data (read: all attributes from all mailboxes).
I am wondering if someone than lob some ideas out there to get me thinking about approaching this a different way.
Does anyone have general recommendations for the following:
1 - How do you monitor if your PowerShell session disconnects?
This obviously breaks the pipeline. This is super-lame if executing something like: Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited
2 - How can you pick up from a command if you were disconnected/pipeline gets throttled?
I am writing various Try{}Catch{} wrappers, mostly unsuccessfully.
Example: Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited
Another thing revolving around this, WMF/PowerShell 4.0/Windows 8.1 don’t seem to be getting along at the moment: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powershell/archive/2013/10/25/windows-management-framework-4-0-is-now-available.aspx Things like -ErrorAction ‘Stop’ are ignored from the Exchange command-lets.
3 - How do you work with a ‘large’ pipeline across a remote session reliably?
Example: Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Get-MailboxStatistics | Export-CSV ‘C:\Path\To\Export.csv’ -NoTypeInformation
Official help (Outlook help & learning) says to add a | foreach in there, but same results. Command tends to choke and you lose what you partially collected.
4 - How do you work with throttling? Can you create yourself a “bookmark” and resume from that?
Thanks for any suggestions.