I’m looking for a way to Remote logoff all loaded profiles EXCEPT the currently active user. We often have users that “Switch User” and I’d like to log off the inactive user profiles without disrupting the active user. win32Shutdown() only takes care of the active user and I’d like to find a way to target specific users. Worst case I’d like to log off all loaded profiles.
I’m currently using win32UserProfile to identify loaded profiles
GPO isn’t really an option since I want add this functionality to some existing powershell scripts that I’ve created. You did put me on the right track though. I found I can use quser.exe and logoff.exe to accomplish my task, but it’s going to be ugly. It seems there must be a better way to accomplish this via WMI or something.
Function to get RDP sessions on one or more computers
Function to get RDP sessions on one or more computers. Returns object collection, each corresponding to a session.
object properties: ComputerName, UserName, SessionName, ID, State
ID refers to RDP session ID. State refers to RDP session State
.Parameter ComputerName
If absent, function assumes localhost.
.Parameter State
Filters result by one or more States
Valid options are:
Get-SBRDPSession -ComputerName MyPC -State Disc | FT
This example lists disconnected RDP sessions on the computer MyPC in table format.
Sample output:
UserName State SessionName ID ComputerName
-------- ----- ----------- -- ------------
Disc services 0 MyPC
Get-SBRDPSession -state Active,Disc | FT
This example lists RDP sessions on the local machine, and returns those with State Active or Disc in table format.
Sample output:
UserName State SessionName ID ComputerName
-------- ----- ----------- -- ------------
Disc services 0 PC1
samb Active rdp-tcp#73 2 PC1
Get-SBRDPSession xhost11,xhost12 | FT
This example lists RDP sesions on the computers xHost11 and xHost12 and outputs the result in table format.
Sample output:
UserName State SessionName ID ComputerName
-------- ----- ----------- -- ------------
Disc services 0 xhost11
Conn console 1 xhost11
samb Active rdp-tcp#10 2 xhost11
Listen rdp-tcp 65536 xhost11
Disc services 0 xhost12
Conn console 1 xhost12
Listen rdp-tcp 65536 xhost12
Get-SBRDPSession (Get-Content .\computers.txt) Disc -Verbose | FT
This example reads a computer list from the file .\computers.txt and displays disconnected sessions
In this example .\computers.txt contains:
Sample output:
VERBOSE: Computer name(s): "xhost13" "xhost14" "xhost16"
VERBOSE: Filtering on state(s): Disc
VERBOSE: Reading RDP sessions on computer "xhost13"
VERBOSE: Reading RDP session: ==> services 0 Disc
VERBOSE: Reading RDP session: ==> console 1 Conn
VERBOSE: Reading RDP session: ==> rdp-tcp 65536 Listen
VERBOSE: Reading RDP sessions on computer "xhost14"
VERBOSE: Reading RDP session: ==> services 0 Disc
VERBOSE: Reading RDP session: ==> console 1 Conn
VERBOSE: Reading RDP session: ==> samb 2 Disc
VERBOSE: Reading RDP session: ==> rdp-tcp 65536 Listen
VERBOSE: Reading RDP sessions on computer "xhost16"
VERBOSE: Reading RDP session: ==> services 0 Disc
VERBOSE: Reading RDP session: ==> console 1 Conn
VERBOSE: Reading RDP session: ==> rdp-tcp#73 samb 2 Active
VERBOSE: Reading RDP session: ==> rdp-tcp 65536 Listen
UserName State SessionName ID ComputerNam
-------- ----- ----------- -- -----------
Disc services 0 PC1
Disc services 0 PC2
samb Disc 2 PC2
Disc services 0 PC3