remote call script by icmp: fail tcp socket

Hello guys, need help.
I have a simple code in script and this script works correctly when I run locally :

$server = "srv"
$portToCheck = '1433'
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $server -Port $portToCheck

similar :

$server = "srv"
$portToCheck = '1433'
New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient -ArgumentList $server,$portToCheck

But when I try to call this script remotely by icmp I receive an error :
WARNING: TCP connect to srv:1433 failed false Exception calling “.ctor” with “2” argument(s): “An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions”
end I have notify in event:

The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked a connection.

Application Information:
	Process ID:		2524
	Application Name:	\device\harddiskvolume2\windows\syswow64\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe

Network Information:
	Direction:		Outbound
	Source Address:
	Source Port:		54636
	Destination Address:
	Destination Port:		1433
	Protocol:		6

Filter Information:
	Filter Run-Time ID:	66927
	Layer Name:		Connect
	Layer Run-Time ID:	48

So, I had blocked package. Have you any ideas how to get around the problem? I would like to resolve this issue only with help PowerShell solution without writing filter by C++ for ALE WFP
I tried to use in script body: Invoke-command , -asjob
Now I’ve created job in task scheduler and ICMP call to start job. Result (true or false) write to txt file after that I’ve got content. But it’s crutch and isn’t true way.

Additionally: this situation catch only on servers with Server 2012R2 (WMF4), on Server 2008r2 all works without any problems.

Well, you didn’t block “package,” you have a blockage on outbound port access by PowerShell.exe. The filtering platform is managed by Windows Firewall; have you confirmed that the machines in question are allowing outbound access via the Firewall? You shouldn’t need to write a filter - you should just need to make sure the firewall is allowing outbound access. The default outbound rules do change from version to version in Windows, and obviously organizational policy (GPO) can set rules.

You probably just need to create a firewall rule for that port and process. And yes, you can do that in PowerShell in Win2012R2.

Thank you for answer.
But as I’ve written if I run script local - all works fine, Also I’ve tried to create outbound rules for powershell.exe process and ports, I’ve tried to write a code by c# , compile, create rule for .exe - any changes. Only when I stopped Base Filtering Engine service and all dependent services packets didn’t block. Yep I know, that why WF doesn’t work.
So Now I got confuse.

Relation graf:

Doc station (ICMP request) ---------------> Server with hosted script (SRV) -------------> DB Server

ps1 running from SRV in case run local
In case run ICMP request to SRV for start ps1 - catch error: ctor…

So, running a script remotely can sometimes create delegation problems for your credentials. It’s possible that the remote machine, when running its script, is not able to present credentials proving an authenticated user is attempting to open the port. I’m not clear on how you’re using PowerShell to send an ICMP request to a server and cause a script to be run, I guess.

I’m sorry for delay.

And I a gross mistake in the description my case. Of course I use and sent no ICMP request, but SNMP, When I wrote this topic I was careless ^(
I sent requests by Paessler SNMP Tester (Debug your SNMP configuration with SNMP Tester).