Regex is not valid


I’m getting this message below, and I’m not sure what is causing the issue because I have another string that starts with “[UserColor]” and “[MembersOf-17]”, both of which also have a “[”, and it works fine.

The regular expression pattern [MembersOf-7] is not valid.
At \hqfs1\Users\tantony\PowerShell\CalenderGroup\Calender.ps1:156 char:14

  •          $Read_INI = $Read_INI -replace("$Items","$Replace")
  •          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ([MembersOf-7]:String) , RuntimeException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidRegularExpression

Thank you,


[ is a special character. You need to escape it as [ if you mean to use it literally.

[UserColor] is being read as “any character that is U, s, e, r, C, o or l.” In regex, represents a set or range.

Thank you Don.

-cmatch "^\["
, I do have the escape on "["

I also found out that it will only happen if I delete the last “email” from a calendar group. Just need to figure out that now.
