I have a big text file and need to replace this line:
DMGD819531229F~ (the last 2 fields are date of birth & gender…which change)
With this line:
This is what I have so far but it does NOT work. No error.
Thanks Olaf. I have switched to -replace but it is still not working.
(Get-Content -path "C:\downloads\dmgLines.txt") `
-replace "DMG\*D8\*(\d{8})\*([MF])~","DMG\*D8\*$1\*$2\*\*5:9~" | Out-File C:\downloads\dmgNewLines.txt
#It is easier to see the problem this way. I think the problem is with my quotes.
$content = "DMG*D8*19641019*M~"
$content -replace '"DMG\*D8\*(\d{8})\*([MF])~"',"DMG\*D8\*$1\*$2\*\*5:9~"
#output: DMG*D8*19641019*M~
No ‘*’ regex in the 2nd -replace argument needed. Use single quotes so powershell doesn’t try to interpret the $1 and $2 variables. I like http://regex101.com to test regular expressions. Don’t have to quote the first argument twice.