Pull Server / LCM Config sanity check-Failed to register DSC Agent with Agentid

I need a sanity check please… I cannot figure out what I’m doing wrong on my config. The Pull server config runs with no red. The LCM confg dies with the dreaded “Failed to register DSC Agent with Agentid”

I know, bad practice to put the regkey in the config file. I did that just so I could see it. My config is just turning off the spooler service.

Pull Server Config


Configuration New-DSCPullServer {
param (
[System.String] $NodeName,
[System.String] $CertificateThumbprint
Import-DscResource-ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration, xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
Node $NodeName
ActionAfterReboot = 'ContinueConfiguration'
ConfigurationMode = 'ApplyandAutoCorrect'
RebootNodeIfNeeded = $false
WindowsFeature DSCServiceFeature
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = 'DSC-Service'
WindowsFeature IISConsole
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = 'Web-Mgmt-Console'
DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]DSCServiceFeature'
xDSCWebService PSDSCPullServer
Ensure = 'Present'
EndpointName = 'PSDSCPullServer'
Port = 8080
PhysicalPath = "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE\inetpub\wwwroot\PSDSCPullServer"
CertificateThumbPrint = $CertificateThumbprint
ModulePath = "$env:PROGRAMFILES\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Modules"
ConfigurationPath = "$env:PROGRAMFILES\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Configuration"
RegistrationKeyPath = "$env:PROGRAMFILES\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\"
State = 'Started'
UseSecurityBestPractices = $true
DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]DSCServiceFeature'
File RegistrationKey
Ensure = 'Present'
DestinationPath = "$env:PROGRAMFILES\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\registrationkey.txt"
Contents = '7541765d-9d4c-4634-be97-76152528379e'
Type = 'File'

Spooler Config


configuration PrintSpooler {
param ()
Node localhost
Service PrintSpooler
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = 'Spooler'
StartupType = 'Disabled'
State = 'Stopped'
Log RemoteRegistry
Message = 'Spooler configuration complete'
DependsOn = '[Service]PrintSpooler'


LCM Config


configuration LCM-HTTPS
[Parameter(Mandatory= $true)]

[Parameter(Mandatory= $true)]

[Parameter(Mandatory= $true)]
Node localhost
AllowModuleOverwrite = $true
ConfigurationMode = ‘ApplyAndAutoCorrect’
RefreshMode = ‘Pull’
RefreshFrequencyMins = 30
ConfigurationRepositoryWeb HTTPs
ServerURL = ‘https://DSC-DC:8080/PSDSCPullServer.svc
CertificateID = $pullThumbprint
RegistrationKey = $regKey
AllowUnsecureConnection = $false
ConfigurationNames = @(‘PrintSpooler’)


Any thoughts? What am I missing?

I figured it out. The error was not related to the PowerShell code at all.

I created a custom CNAME DNS record for my pull server url, something like pull.dsc.local. Turns out when you create the domain certificate in IIS the common name has to match that URL exactly. Otherwise, you get this not so descriptive error when trying to register the LCMs.